Faculty of Psychology

News archive for Faculty of Psychology

A large international project on young people's political and civic engagement is examining their relationship with local politics and participation.
We now welcome applications to host an event as part of Day Zero at the SDG Conference Bergen, 5 February 2025. This is the free, all-digital day of events on the day before the SDG Conference plenary programme starts.
There was great interest in the first UiB Innovation Festival on September 20th. Vice-Rector Gottfried Greve hopes the event will create a new momentum for the innovation culture at The University of Bergen (UiB).
What's up with all the sleep hacks trending on Tik Tok? Elisabeth Flo-Groeneboom talks to Pønsj about the sleep hacks that actually works, what doesn't work and which factors that can disrupt your sleep: https://radio.nrk.no/serie/poensj/sesong/202409/MYNN16012524 (in Norwegian).
Members of BRIM have published a comprehensive systematic review. The paper provides an overview of and discusses the acute effects of light during daytime on various aspects of cognition and affect/mood. The paper is published in Biological Psychology.
“The fact that we have just five years left to reach the Sustainable Development Goals should give us reason to pause — can we not do better?” asks Professor Birgit Kopainsky, who will lead Bergen Summer Research School 2025.
In October, the Pandemic Centre is offering an interdisciplinary course for students on preparedness for health crises. The course is primarily aimed at PhD candidates and master's students and will address a range of exciting issues in collaboration with some of the leading experts at UiB.
“There is hope in science and research”, said Rector Margareth Hagen in her welcome address to the one hundred PhD candidates from more than thirty countries taking part in the seventeenth Bergen Summer Research School.
Professor Jeanne C. Watson, University of Toronto, is an internationally leading researcher on emotion-focused therapy and change processes in psychotherapy.
The Master's Programme in Global Development Theory and Practice (GLODE) gives you a thorough understanding of global development processes through critical evaluation of relevant theories and the contexts of sustainable human development.
Martin Lytje and Atle Dyregrov has published an article in "Death Studies." The study examines the challenges faced by teaching staff in supporting bereaved college students.
Atle Dyregrov og Martin Lytje has published a new article in "Bereavement Journal of grief and responses to death" The article argues the current approach to diagnosing complicated grief in children overlooks social and personal factors impacting their reactions and how they cope with death.
Associate professor Prudence Atukunda Friberg is co-author of the article "Long-term effects on depressive symptoms among Ugandan Mothers - Findings from a follo-up of a cluster-randomized education trial in a rural low-resource setting".
During February 2024 we offer a mini-series of three webinars dealing with hydrogen and ammonia. Join us to get valuable updates on different aspects of the current developments in hydrogen technology, economy and legislation!
This seminar was not recorded but a similar presentation by chief economist Eirik Wærness along with much more information, can be found at the Energy Perspectives webpage at Equinor.com, see the right hand column for links.
- The stories health and school personnel tell about children's suffering in Gaza and the West Bank are heartbreaking and shocking, says psychologist specialist Unni Heltne.
Researchers come to Bergen from all over the world to solve global challenges. Simon Øverland has invited some of them to tell us about some solutions for the future.
