Faculty of Psychology

News archive for Faculty of Psychology

How do teachers and social workers use multidisciplinary teams as part of a collaborative effort to support children living in difficult conditions? This question was investigated by researchers affiliated with the research group Child welfare, equality and social inclusion, UiB.
The Norwegian child welfare services’ ways of addressing multicultural challenges is a recurring topic in national and international debates. Fear of the child welfare services among ethnic minority parents are under researched in Norway, and has been addressed in a new article by researchers from the research group Child welfare, Equality and Inclusion, UiB.
Scholars teaching from different continents, will give their presentations in addition to short comments related to the main topic of the day.
Det er gjennomført en spørreskjemaundersøkelse av opplæringen i kriminalomsorgen i alle de nordiske land. Undersøkelsen er støttet av Det Nordiske Ministerråd. Rapporten represnterer et pionerarbeid, og rapporten er også oversatt og utgitt på engelsk.
Cross-linguistically similar order of acquisition of quantifiers have been found
New report on educational background, needs and motives among ethnic minorities in Nordic prisons
Educational background, wishes and needs, have been investigated in a qualitative study among prisoners from Iraq, Poland, Russi, Serbia and Somalia
Realizing the potential of cultural diversity in the society and at the workplace
A highly dedicated part-time professor gives the PhD-students at the Faculty of Psychology a great opportunity to visit a highly recognized sleep lab at the University of California, Berkeley. - An important resource to our doctoral education, says the vice-dean of research at the faculty.
What started as a spin-off study by researchers in the Bergen fMRI-group, has now been published in the highly recognized scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS). The study demonstrates the effect of glutamate on cognitive control mechanisms.
The Faculty of Psychology held its third International Day on Wednesday 18 January. More than 50 former and present exchange students shared their experiences with students interested in studying abroad.
The faculty has announced six new PhD scholarships, and one of them is with the SIPA-group. Deadline for application is January 31.
Members of the Bergen Bullying Research Group have investigated the impact of workplace bullying as a social stressor at work.
Up to this date, few studies have investigated the occurrence of sexual harassment in Norwegian working life. However, a new study from Bergen Bullying Research Group show that sexual harassment can be considered as a prevalent problem with serious consequences for those exposed.
