Bergen Cognition and Learning Group

New report on Nordic prison education

New report on educational background, needs and motives among ethnic minorities in Nordic prisons

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Kariane Westrheim and Terje Manger have edited a new, Nordic report on educational background, needs and motives for education among ethnic minorities in Nordic prisons. The report is based on interviews among prioners from among others Iraq, Poland, Russia and Somalia, and the interviewsare conducted in all Nordic countries. The project was also coordinated from the University of Bergen. The report is available in English translation.

Westrheim, K. & Manger, T. (Eds.) Utenlandske innsatte in nordiske fengsel. Utdanning, kompetanse og motivasjon for utdanning [Foreign inmates in Nordic prisons: Education, competence and educational motives]. Bergen: Fylkesmannen i Hordaland, Utdanningsavdelinga.

Engelsk oversettelse: Westrheim, K. & Manger, T. (2013). Ethnic minority prisoners in Nordic prisons. Educational bckground, preferences and needs. Bergen: County Governor of Hordaland.