Child welfare, equity and social inclusion

Ethnic minorities and fear for child welfare services

The Norwegian child welfare services’ ways of addressing multicultural challenges is a recurring topic in national and international debates. Fear of the child welfare services among ethnic minority parents are under researched in Norway, and has been addressed in a new article by researchers from the research group Child welfare, Equality and Inclusion, UiB.

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The article about fear of the child welfare services among ethnic minorities in Norway is published in the Norwegian journal Norges Barnevern by UiB researchers Marte Knag Fylkesnes, Anette Christine Iversen, and Ragnhild Bjørknes, and Lennart Nygren from the University of Umeå.

The article is only available in Norwegian, but the abstract is in English. Follow this link to read the abstract: Frykten for barnevernet - En undersøkelse av etniske minoritetsforeldres oppfatninger (Fylkesnes, Iversen, Bjørknes, & Nygren, 2015).