Bergen Cognition and Learning Group
Ny rapport

Utdaningsbakgrunn, -ønsker og -behov blant utenlandske innsatte

Educational background, wishes and needs, have been investigated in a qualitative study among prisoners from Iraq, Poland, Russi, Serbia and Somalia

Main content

A new report published by members of the BCLG presents the results from interviews with foreign prisoners in all Nordic countries. The rapporten is edited by Kariane Westrheim and Terje Manger, it is published in collaboaration with Nordisk nettverk for fengselsundervisning and Alfarådet with support fra Nordpluss Voksen and Nordisk nettverk for voksnes læring. The report is avaialble from Fylkesmannen i Hordaland, Utdanningsavdelinga (the County Governor of Hordaland).