Collaboration between school and child welfare services
How do teachers and social workers use multidisciplinary teams as part of a collaborative effort to support children living in difficult conditions? This question was investigated by researchers affiliated with the research group Child welfare, equality and social inclusion, UiB.
Main content
In the article The use of multidisciplinary teams to support child welfare clients, 13 teachers and child welfare workers was interviewed about how they use multidisciplinary teams as part of a collaborative effort to support children living in difficult conditions.
Through the analysis, multidisciplinary teams appears to be described as tools for solution-focused work, listening to the child, parental support, and as social/environmental opportunities for successful interactions, as well as ensuring school attendance through adapted education and support.
The authors behind the study are Elisabeth Hesjedal, the Norwegian Teacher Academy (NLA) University College and the research group Child welfare, equality and social inclusion, UiB; Anette Iversen, the research group Child welfare, equality and social inclusion, Hege Høivik By, the Department of psychosocial science, UiB; and Hilde Hetland, the Department of psychosocial science and the research group Child welfare, equality and social inclusion.
See the peer-reviewed article for closer information about the study: