Global Health Priorities

News archive for Global Health Priorities

In an editorial in this week's Science Magazine, Richard Peto, Alan D. Lopez and Ole Frithjof Norheim write that "for many countries, halving their 2010 under-50 mortality rate by 2030 would be a feasible target; worldwide, it would avoid 10 million of the 20 million deaths projected for 2030".
In the end of August the Global Health Priorities researchers Eirin Krüger Skaftun and Ole Frithjof Norheim, together with Merima Ali from Chr. Michelsen Institute, published a new article in Plos One: “Understanding inequality in Child Health in Ethiopia: Health Achievements are Improving in the Period 2000-2011”. The study aims to give a better understanding of existing inequalities in child... Read more
A new article published in Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation (CERA) by Global Health Priorities researchers Frode Lindemark, Ole Frithjof Norheim and Kjell Arne Johansson illustrates how information from published health economic evaluations can be used to measure lifetime QALYs, absolute and proportional shortfall of QALYs for eight different example diseases. Resource allocation... Read more