Department of Health Promotion and Development

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New two-year M. Phil programme at the Department of Health Promotion & Development

Master of Philosophy in Global Development Theory and Practice

New Master of Philosophy in Global Development Theory and Practice with specialisation either in Gender in Global Development or in Health Promotion.


Main content

Students will get in-depth understanding of global development processes through critical evaluation of relevant theories and the contexts of sustainable human development. They will also learn about the practice of development, including policy and programme planning, implementation and evaluation at different levels of organisation. In addition they will get the opportunity to develop and carry out an independent research project under close supervision of staff at our department, and thereby develop skills as researchers.


The course is taught in English and details of the programme can be found  at: https://www.uib.no/en/studyprogramme/MAPS-GLODE#





Health Promotion gives the student expertise in health promotion theory and practice in the context of global development. The general approach of all aspects of this specialisation is a resource-based perspective.



Gender in Global Development gives the students expertise in gender and feminist analysis in the context of global development. Focus is put on gendered power relations and vulnerabilities as well as processes of empowerment and social change.

Admission Requirements and Application Procedure

Applicants to the Master’s programme in Global Development Theory and Practice must have completed a first degree (Bachelor) of at least three years duration. The applicants must document special competence equalling one and a half years of study (90 ECTS) in a field or specialisation relevant for the study of global development theory and practice. Students must choose between either a specialisation in Health Promotion or in Gender in Global Development when they apply.

Applicants must document proficiency in English according to specified requirements, as this is the language of instruction.

The Master of Philosophy in Global Development Theory and Practice admits international self-financing students (application deadline 1st of December 2015) and Norwegian students (application deadline 15th of April). You can find more information on our web-site: https://www.uib.no/en/studyprogramme/MAPS-GLODE#uib-tabs-admission-


 Conditional Start-up Date


The planned start for the programme is August 2016, and admissions will occur annually.

Make sure to apply well before the closing date!