Here is the practical information about the exams on the Norwegian language courses.
Main content
Here is some information you will need for both the exams:
If you have conflicting exams or other compelling reasons for not taking the exam on this day, please contact us on studynorwegian@uib.no as soon as possible, and at the latest on 1 October/ 1 March.
It is possible to apply for special arrangements during the exam if you have a disability, an illness or other special needs that leads to significant disadvantages at examinations compared to other students. You may also apply for special arrangements if you have suffered an acute injury or illness. How to apply. What you can apply for.
If you were to become ill on the day of the exam, UiB will need you to send in a form and documentation to get a valid absence. You will find this here. After you have registered this, please contact us on studynorwegian@uib.no.
It is very important that you know what is considered cheating and which consequences cheating may have.
No support material is allowed on the exams (both the written and the oral)
You must answer the exam yourself without help. It is not allowed to let someone else do the exam for you.
It is against the rules to help others with their exam.
It is against the rules to copy text from the internet or other sources. This will be considered cheating. UiB uses text recognition applications that checks your submitted paper against other texts online.
If cheating or attempts to cheat are discovered, this may have serious consequences for you. If cheating is confirmed, this may lead to an annulation of the exam. In addition, you may be expelled for one year from Norwegian universities.
You must have a computer to be able to do the exam. Your computer has to be online during the exam, and has to have a web browser installed. One of the two newest versions of the following browsers are recommended: Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Apple Safari (for MacOS X).
Before the exam
1. Log in to StudentWeb
First you log in to StudentWeb to check your candidate number for this exam. Do not write your name or student ID number in your examination. Your candidate number for the exam is usually 3 digits.
Here is the link to log in to Studentweb
If you are having trouble logging in to StudentWeb, contact us on studynorwegian@uib.no and we will help you.
2. Logging in to Inspera (where the exam is held)
Check that you are able to log on to vurdering.uib.no (the exam program Inspera). Choose "Logg inn med Feide". Use your UiB username and password. It is your responsibility to check that you are able to log on in advance.
You will not get extra time on the exam if you get delayed because you have forgotten your username and password.
Inspera link: Inspera (vurdering.uib.no)

Preparing for digital exam: https://www.uib.no/en/student/125772/preparing-digital-exams.
You should try logging in to Inspera before the examination date, to check that everything is OK. If you are having trouble logging in to Inspera, contact us on: studynorwegian@uib.no, and we will help you.
3. Download Safe Exam Browser
The secure browser used on vurdering.uib.no (external link) is called Safe Exam Browser (SEB).
Download and install the secure browser as follows
Log on to vurdering.uib.no.
Go to the tab "Demo tests", find the test "DEMO Skriftlig eksamen på campus/ Written Exam on Campus", select "Click here to get ready".
Please read the text of the test, go to the bottom of the page under the heading "I have not installed Safe Exam Browser", select "Download", follow the instructions on the screen.
If you have the Safe Exam Browser installed on your computer, you should choose to replace this with a new version if you are prompted to do so when you download and reinstall the browser.
4. Keyboard language
You should change the keyboard language to Norwegian on your computer before the exam so that you can use the letters æ, ø and å. Here you can see how to change the keyboard language:
Windows: https://www.conversationexchange.com/resources/keyboard-language.php?lg=en
Mac: https://www.wikihow.com/Change-the-Keyboard-Language-of-a-Mac
If you are not able to change the keyboard language on your own, you can contact the IT chat.
5. Headphones
NB: Not for NOR-U4.
You will need headphones on the written exam. There will be headphones you can borrow in the exam locale. Please check that your computer has minijack (see picture). If your computer does not have this, you can bring your own headphones. It is important that these headphones are cabled (NOT wireless).

6. Learn how exams at UiB works
You can find the information about our written exams here.
On the exam day
Please follow the instructions here: On the day of the exam | Student Pages | UiB
Before the exam
You will get information about the oral exam from your teacher. You will get the date, time and place. Follow these instructions.
On the exam day
Please note that no Examination Support Material is allowed. This applies for digital oral exams as well as oral exams at campus.
You can find your grades in Studentweb.
You ask for explanation and appeal your grade in Studentweb.
You can take a demotest to check that the functonalities are OK on your computer:
Demotest for NOR-U1
Demotest for NOR-U2
Demotest for NOR-U3
Demotest for NOR-U4