Faculty of Science and Technology
Meet the Faculty

Meet the Faculty of Science and Technology

Welcome to the Faculty of Science and Technology. As part of your introduction to our faculty, there will be held an information meeting for new international students. We look forward to see you there to begin your semester at UiB.

Main content

Welcome to the Faculty of Science and Technology! On this website you will find useful information specific to students at this faculty. Please refer to the Checklist for new international students for an overview of the steps you need to go through as a new student.

Faculty meeting for international students 

Joining is an excellent opportunity to meet other international students at the same faculty, as well as ask questions to the faculty coordinator. Attendance is not obligatory, but we highly encourage all new international students to come. Pre-registration is not required. Our 7 departments will be represented and there will be possible to ask questions regarding courses for the following semester. 

Date: Monday 6th of January

Time: 10.00

Place: Auditorium 1, Realfagbygget (The Science Building) 


Social event for international students

The Welcoming student comittee at The Faculty Science and Technology are arranging a social event for all new international students at the faculty.

Date: January 9th

Time: 18:00

Place: Integrerbar, Realfagbygget (Science Building)


Restricted courses

All courses at our faculty are restricted. However, there are three main types of restricted courses at the faculty. Please note that a course can be both category 2 and 3. 

  1. "Open" restricted courses: Courses that don't have any formal requirements and don't have limited capacity due to lab or field trips. You can register for these courses yourself on Studentweb. Please note that although these courses don't have lab or field trips they can occationally fill up.
  2. Courses with limited capacity: Sign up for these courses before the deadline (wednesday week 33/week 2) and you will receive an email early the week after telling you whether or not you have been admitted to the course. If you are admitted to the course you can go on to Studentweb and register for the exam.

    For courses in our limited capacity admission, you’ll see “admission in progress” during registration in StudentWeb.
    This means you have registered for the course correctly.

    If you have been pre-approved for courses in your application to UiB - Søknadsweb, you are guaranteed admission to the course(s) you have been approved for in the limited capacity admission, as long as you register for the course(s) in StudentWeb within the deadline for the limited capacity admission.
  3. Courses with formal requirements: Advanced courses that require prevous knowledge of the subject area. If you want to register for one of these courses you will need to provide documentation that you fulfill the requirements. You should contact the department that owns the course if you want to do one of these courses and it has not been pre-approved. 
  • If a course has formal requirements, you’ll see the message “You are not registered as having fulfilled the formal requirements for this course” in StudentWeb during registration.
  • We’ll manually register the formal requirements for international students who have been granted admission to courses.
    You do not need to contact us about granted courses. We have all the information we need. 
  • The manual registration process with us are in the period: 
    - December/ early January
    - June/July/ early August
  • When your formal requirements have been manually registered by us, you must sign up/register for the course in StudentWeb. 

Semesteregistration/Limited Capacity admission 

The semesteregistration deadline at UiB in StudentWeb is:

  • September 1st
  • February 1st

However, at the Faculty of Science and Technology, many of our courses are in the Limited capacity admission. 

The deadline for these courses are:

  • wednesday, week 2
  • wednesday, week 33

When registering for these courses in StudentWeb, it will state "admission in progress", when registration is completed, with a red cross. 

The admission will be ready the following monday, and you will be able to see in StudentWeb if you have been granted admission to the course. StudentWeb will then show that you have been registered for the exam, with a green checkmark.

If you did not receive admission, both the lecture and exam will be marked with a red cross, stating no admission. 

Limited Capacity Admission

You are responsible for checking that your exam dates do not conflict with each other. It is not possible to make individual exam arrangements.

Online/Digital learning agreement

The University of Bergen requires incoming Erasmus+ students to use the Online Learning Agreement. Read more abou how to fill this in.

Responsible person / E-mail for your OLA/DLA:

Solveig Monstad - info.nt@uib.no

Online/Digital learning agreements (OLA/DLA) is signed by the Information centre for Science, usually in;

  • December/January
  • June/August 

If you have a Learning agreement on paper (pdf) it can be sent to info.nt@uib.no or signed in person at the Information Centre for Science

NOTE: We do not sign a learning agreement on paper (pdf) if you already have a OLA/DLA. 

Certificates of arrival can be signed at the Information centre for Science, or by e-mail: info.nt@uib.no 

Please note that you must fill out the form with the correct information before we can sign it.

We do not sign arrival dates earlier than the semester starts. 

Certificates of stay can be signed at the Information centre for Science, or by e-mail: info.nt@uib.no 

Please note that you must fill out the form with the correct information before we can sign it.

We do not sign end dates later than the semester ends (20th of December/20th of June). 

UNIS - University Centre in Svalbard

If you are studying at UNIS, your learning agreement will still be signed by UiB. 

If you do not have the possibility of OLA/DLA, please send your learning agreement on e-mail: info.nt@uib.no


Departments at the Faculty

Department of Biological Sciences
Thormøhlens gate 53 a and b (3) / studie.bio@uib.no 

Department of Informatics
Bergen High Technology Centre (1) / studieveileder@ii.uib.no 

Department of Earth Sciences
Science Building (8) / studieveileder@geo.uib.no 

Department of Chemistry
Science Building (8) / studieveileder@kj.uib.no 

Department of Mathematics
Science Building (8) / studieveileder@math.uib.no 

Department of Physics and Technology
Bjørn Trumpy’s house (6) / studie.fysikk@uib.no (physics)

Geophysical Institute
Allégaten 70 (5) / studieveileder@gfi.uib.no 


MittUiB are your personal pages for courses, time schedules, curriculum, announcements and so on. 

Everything related to your courses will be published and available on MittUiB. 

Exam information

Exam information can be found on the course website for each course.

Rules and regulations: For more information about exam regulations see our faculty website. Here you can also find information about which calculator type is approved for the exams that allow a calculator.

Digital assessment: Most courses have digital assessment and you will be required to bring your own computer. If you don't have a suitable computer you can apply to borrow one from the university. 

Do you need Individual accommodation for your studies or exam? You can find information and application form here.

Library resources and printing services

The Science Library is located in the new Learning Centre in the Science Building.

Books can be ordered from the Science Library.

Printing services:

In order to print or scan documents you need to top up money on your student card. This can be done by logging on to the website myprint.uib.no. You need to be logged on via an on Campus computer or via VPN for the payprint website to work. If you have problems with the printing services you can visit the IT assistant in the Science Building. They are sitting in the Learning Centre close to the entrance by Real Café.

More information about printing services and how to top up your student card here.

Library course

A digital library course will be held at the start of the semester. The date will be announced in good time before the course. We strongly recommend this course to our new students. 

In this workshop we will help you to develop literature skills necessary for writing a scholarly assignment. We will cover what scientific literature is and how you can find it using the library services at UiB. We will also cover how to conduct a smart search and how to cite your sources according to academic standards required at UiB. 

Registration for the course will be sent on e-mail to new, international students.