

The University of Bergen is Norway's largest marine university, with high-quality marine education and world-class research environments. UiB has taken a leading role in the work on the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 14 - Life below water.

bubbles going upwards on a body of water

New geopolitics demand new thinking on ocean equity

The rise in ocean temperature in the past year is one of the most urgent threats to global equity and thus to global stability in a new geopolitical landscape. How can science contribute to solutions to this challenge?


Video recording of satellite event at Ocean Decade Conference

On 9 April 2024 the University of Bergen organised an official satellite event on marine genetic resources, global benefit sharing and ocean science diplomacy at the Ocean Decade Conference in Barcelona. Watch a recording of the satellite event.

Delagates from Indonesia

University of Bergen and Indonesian Delegation Foster Collaboration

UiB and delegation from Indonesia explored opportunities for collaboration in marine research and education

Offshore Wind | OW2040
Hywind Tampen

A new consortium in Norway gathers to establish a groundbreaking offshore wind centre

Offshore Wind 2040 (OW2040) is on track to become a Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME) by the end of 2024. If the Research Council of Norway approves the FME application, OW2040 could become a world-leading hub for offshore wind development.

SDG 14 logo

The University of Bergen has been designated by the United Nations Academic Impact to coordinate university collaboration for the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 14 - Life below water: 
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

The UN's Sustainable Development Goals are the world's joint work plan to eradicate poverty, fight inequality and stop climate change by 2030.