One Ocean Expedition

Frequently asked questions about SDG313

Here you can find a selection of common queries about the course SDG313 and the journey in The Caribeean Sea.

Statsraad Lehmkuhl i solnedgang
Here you will find FAQ about SDG313
Jesper Rosenmai, Statsraad Lehmkuhl

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How do I apply for SDG313.

SDG313 is open for masterstudents and PhD Fellows at The University of Bergen. Click here for more info about the course and how to apply. (Application deadline 23 June)

What personal items do I need to bring? 

There is limited space on board for personal items, so only bring those that are highly necessary. You will be assigned a locker with keys and a chest for your personal belongings. There is limited space on board, and we strongly recommend that you pack your things in soft luggage or bags than can easily be stowed away during the voyage. Please avoid bringing large and bulky suitcases.

Remember to bring: 

  • A sleeping bag and (and pillow if needed 

  • Warm windproof clothes for cold nights on deck. It gets quite windy and colder than expected. 

  • Comfortable and solid work clothes 

  • Good quality rain gear: waterproof jacket and pants 

  • Good shoes: sneakers/trainers and waterproof shoes/rubber boots  

  • Gloves  

  • Towel and toiletries 

  • swimwear 

  • Diving mask/snorkel 

  • Leisure wear  

  • Camera 

  • Personal medications, contact lenses etc. for the whole period. 

Note that it is mandatory to bring a passport that is valid at least until six months after the course/trip has ended 25 August 2022.

Can we go ashore during every stop along the route?

Yes, everyone should be able to go ashore at every port, with reservations relating to the corona virus situation and potential local restrictions. 

What about visa requirements? 

You are responsible to check visa requirements for each country and procure any necessary documentation.

Which meals will be served on board? 

There will be served three main meals during the day. 

  • Breakfast between 07:20–08:30
  • Lunch between 11:20–12:30
  • Dinner between 17:30–18:30

A night snack will be available for the night’s watch group. 

There are two coffee, tea and snack break every day at 10:00 and 15:00

Are alcohol and cigarettes allowed onboard?

It is strictly prohibited to consume alcohol onboard during the sail as well as below deck after arrival in ports. The Captain may grant permission to use alcohol on deck when docking. Cigarettes are allowed and there are ash trays on allocated places on deck. Cigarette buds must never be thrown overboard. 

Is it possible to buy snacks on board?  

Yes, «Slappen» is the ship kiosk and tax-free shopping and carries a simple selection of kiosk goods and hygienic articles. You may purchase the legal quota of alcohol and tobacco. The goods must be stored and declared according to rules on board and at the destination port.

I have coeliac disease or other condition that requires dietary restrictions. Will this be taken into consideration?

Yes. We always try to accommodate different dietary requirements within reasonable limits. Cases of extreme allergies that can lead to hospital treatment must be considered in collaboration with a seafarer’s doctor and Statsraad Lehmkuhl. In general, all diseases and allergies must be reported in due time.

I am a vegetarian, will there be vegetarian food served? 


I get tired from being awake at night. Am I allowed to only be on day watch?

Everyone must contribute to the assigned watch group. The groups may change during the trip.

Trainees are divided into three watch groups who get their training according to their watch.

  • Blue 8-12/20-24
  • Red 12-4/24-04
  • White 04-08/16-20

I am used to working out regularly, how can I stay in shape?

There are no training facilities on the ship. However, the work performed during your watch entails quite a bit of physical activity during the day. There are also large areas available on the ship where it is possible to do exercises. 

Are there toilets and showers on the ship? 

Modern sanitary facilities are available, both toilets and showers. There are several separate showers available. 

I have a chronical condition/disease, can I still participate?

Applicants must document good physical shape and submit a seafarer’s medical certificate before boarding. UiB will cover the expenses for their own students. Read more on the Norwegian Maritime Authority’s own website. 

I am pregnant, can I still participate? 

No, pregnant persons cannot attend this course, even if you have an approved seafarer’s medical certificate.

How is daily life on board the ship?

The students will study, work, and live onboard Statsraad Lehmkuhl for the duration of the course. Read more on Statsraad Lehmkuhl’s own website.

Can I book a bunk/cabin?

We do not offer private cabins, and you will be assigned your own hammock for the duration of the voyage. Although the accommodation is very basic, you will experience that hammocks are very practical and quite comfortable, especially when the ship is at sea.

How much does it cost?

Fellows from DIKU and ACER will have their stay at Statsraad Lehmkuhl covered as well as NOK 4,000 in travel support. Everyone else who wants to participate in the course must pay the stay of NOK 20,000 plus flight cost themselves.

Responsibility on board and on shore

It is important to remember that everyone is responsible for the safety on board, as well as the safety of the entire group. 

When you travel with One Ocean you have a greater responsibility than yourself. You will be an ambassador for your institution, Statsraad Lehmkuhl, and One Ocean. We expect our students to follow local rules and regulations, and show respect for the people and cultures of every country.

Is there a dentist on board?

No, there is no dentist on board Statsraad Lehmkuhl. Therefore it is recommended to get a dental check before departure.