Popular science dissemination
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Popular science dissemination
Popular science feature about descriptive findings in data from March 2020 (Norwegian): De fleste nordmenn tok smittevernrådene på alvor, Forskning.no, 01.05.20.
University news report about new research collaboration between PANDRISK and Digitox (Norwegian): Nytt forskningsprosjekt ser på nyhetsbruk under koronapandemien, UiB.no, 14.10.20.
Popular science feature about changes from March to September 2020 (Norwegian): Nordmenn var mindre redde, men fulgte fortsatt korona-tiltakene i sommer og høst, Forskning.no, 14.11.21.
Popular science feature about whether those infected with corona thought differently about risk and infection control measures (Norwegian): De første koronasmittede fulgte i mindre grad smittevernrådene, Forskning.no, 05.12.20.
Popular science dissemination in English: The first Covid-19 cases took infection prevention advice less seriously, Science Norway, 13.01.21.
Popular science feature about the survey experiment on the effect of phrasing on willingness to take the corona vaccine (Norwegian): Vil fellesskapsfølelse få flere til å ta koronavaksinen? Dagens Medisin, 21.01.21.
Popular science feature about mandatory vaccinations for health personnel (Norwegian): Gode grunner for ikke å kreve vaksinering av helsepersonell, Bergens Tidende, 18.10.21.
Popular science feature about perceived load of infection control measures (Norwegian): Disse koronatiltakene er mest belastende for folk, Forskning.no, 06.01.22.
Also translated to Danish: Ny forskning: Disse corona-restriktioner er mest belastende for os, Forskerzonen.dk, 12.01.2022.
Popular science feature about what reasons people give for not complying with infection control advice (Norwegian): Hvilke grunner har folk til å ikke følge smitteverntiltakene?, Forskersonen.no, 26.01.2022.