Birgitte Berentsen Jacobsen
Associate Professor
Academic lecture
- Bekkelund, Mattis; Steinsvik, Elisabeth Kjelsvik; Valeur, Jørgen et al. (2025). Effekt av en lav-FODMAP-diett på visceral hypersensitivitet ved irritabel tarm-syndrom. (external link)
- Teige, Eirik Persson; Hillestad, Eline Margrete Randulff; Berentsen, Birgitte et al. (2021). Kort- og langtidseffekten av lav FODMAP-dietten på symptomer og kortkjedede fettsyrer hos pasienter med irritabel tarmsyndrom. (external link)
- Teige, Erica Persson; Berentsen, Birgitte; Brønstad, Ingeborg et al. (2020). Short and extended effects of a low FODMAP diet on symptoms and short-chained fatty acids in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. (external link)
- Teig, Erica; Berentsen, Birgitte; Hausken, Trygve et al. (2020). Kort- og langtidseffekten av lavFODMAP-diett på symptomer og mikrobiota hos pasienter med IBS . (external link)
- Hillestad, Eline M R; Lied, Gülen Arslan; Steinsvik, Elisabeth Kjelsvik et al. (2020). Kvalitetsevaluering av tverrfaglig IBS-poliklinikk . (external link)
- Berentsen, Birgitte; Kristianslund, Camilla; Lied, Gülen Arslan et al. (2019). Mage-tarmskolen – tverrfaglig internetbehandling ved Irritabel tarmsyndrom . (external link)
Academic article
- Lundervold, Arvid; Bjørsvik, Ben René; Billing, Julie Eirin et al. (2025). Brain Morphometry and Cognitive Features in the Prediction of Irritable Bowel Syndrome . (external link)
- Randulff Hillestad, Eline Margrethe; Steinsvik, Elisabeth Kjelsvik; Teige, Erica Sande et al. (2024). Nutritional safety and status following a 12-week strict low FODMAP diet in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. (external link)
- Lundervold, Astri J. ; Billing, Julie Eirin; Jacobsen, Birgitte Berentsen et al. (2024). Decoding IBS: a machine learning approach to psychological distress and gut-brain interaction. (external link)
- Teige, Erica Sande; Randulff Hillestad, Eline Margrethe; Steinsvik, Elisabeth Kjelsvik et al. (2024). Fecal bacteria and short-chain fatty acids in irritable bowel syndrome: relations to subtype. (external link)
- Haleem, Noman; Lundervold, Astri J. ; Lied, Gülen Arslan et al. (2023). A psychological symptom based machine learning model for clinical evaluation of irritable bowel syndrome. (external link)
- Lundervold, Astri J. ; Randulff Hillestad, Eline Margrethe; Lied, Gülen Arslan et al. (2023). Assessment of Self-Reported Executive Function in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome Using a Machine-Learning Framework. (external link)
- Billing, Julie Eirin; Jacobsen, Birgitte Berentsen; Lundervold, Arvid et al. (2023). Cognitive function in patients with irritable bowel syndrome: impairment is common and only weakly correlated with depression/anxiety and severity of gastrointestinal symptoms. (external link)
- Sangnes, Dag A.; Lundervold, Katarina; Bekkelund, Mattis et al. (2021). Gastrointestinal transit and contractility in diabetic constipation: A wireless motility capsule study on diabetes patients and healthy controls. (external link)
- Kessler, Ute; Rekkedal, Guro Årdal; Rø, Øyvind et al. (2020). Association between gastrointestinal complaints and psychopathology in patients with anorexia nervosa. (external link)
- Berentsen, Birgitte; Nagaraja, Bharath Halandur; Teige, Erica Persson et al. (2020). Study protocol of the Bergen brain-gut-microbiota-axis study: A prospective case-report characterization and dietary intervention study to evaluate the effects of microbiota alterations on cognition and anatomical and functional brain connectivity in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. (external link)
- Berentsen, Birgitte; Patil, Sudarshan; Rønnestad, Kine Terese et al. (2019). MicroRNA-34a acutely regulates synaptic efficacy in the adult dentate gyrus in vivo. (external link)
- Leal, Graciano; Comprido, Diogo; de Luca, Pasqualino et al. (2017). The RNA-Binding Protein hnRNP K Mediates the Effect of BDNF on Dendritic mRNA Metabolism and Regulates Synaptic NMDA Receptors in Hippocampal Neurons. (external link)
- Sreenivasa, Pai Balagopal; Siripornmongcolchai, Taweeporn; Berentsen, Birgitte et al. (2014). NMDA receptor-dependent regulation of miRNA expression and association with Argonaute during LTP in vivo. (external link)
- Wibrand, Karin; Sreenivasa, Pai Balagopal; Siripornmongcolchai, Taweeporn et al. (2012). MicroRNA regulation of the synaptic plasticity-related gene arc. (external link)
- Teig, Erica; Hillestad, Eline; Brønstad, Ingeborg et al. (2023). Bergen BrainGut study: Assessment of Gut Integrity Markers and Tight Junction Proteins and their Changes Following a 12-week Strict Low FODMAP Diet in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. (external link)
- Van Der Meeren, Aina; Appel, Silke; Lied, Gülen Arslan et al. (2023). Bergen BrainGut study: diagnostic gut biomarkers in irritable bowel syndrome with imaging mass cytometry. (external link)
- Hillestad, Eline; Teig, Erica; Steinsvik, Elisabeth Kjelsvik et al. (2023). Nutritional adequacy and biochemical status after a 12-week strict low FODMAP diet in patients with irritable bowel syndrome . (external link)
- Billing, Julie Eirin; Jacobsen, Birgitte Berentsen; Lundervold, Arvid et al. (2023). Cognitive function in patients with irritable bowel syndrome: impairment is common and only weakly correlated with depression/anxiety and severity of gastrointestinal symptoms. (external link)
- Randulff Hillestad, Eline Margrethe; Teige, Erica Sande; Steinsvik, Elisabeth Kjelsvik et al. (2023). Nutritional adequacy and biochemical status after a 12-week strict low FODMAP diet in patients with irritable bowel syndrome . (external link)
- Meeren, Aina van der; Appel, Silke; Lied, Gülen Arslan et al. (2023). Diagnostic gut biomarkers with imaging mass cytometry in irritable bowel syndrome. (external link)
- Teige, Erica Sande; Hillestad, EM; Steinsvik, Elisabeth Kjelsvik et al. (2022). Bergen Braingut Study: Relations between fecal microbiota profile and its metabolites (short-chain fatty acids) and symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome. (external link)
- Hillestad, Eline Margrete Randulff; Berentsen, Birgitte; Lied, Gülen Arslan (2019). Evaluation of a tertiary, multidisciplinary outpatient clinic for irritable bowel syndrome. (external link)
- Hillestad, Eline; Lied, Gülen Arslan; Steinsvik, Elisabeth Kjelsvik et al. (2019). Evaluation of a tertiary, multidisciplinary outpatient clinic for irritable bowel syndrome. (external link)
- Berentsen, Birgitte; Bharath, HN; Lundervold, Astrid et al. (2019). Brain-Gut-Microbiota Interaction in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Multidimensional Approach . (external link)
Academic literature review
- Teige, Erica Sande; Hillestad, Eline Margrete Randulff; Steinsvik, Elisabeth Kjelsvik et al. (2022). Bergen Braingut Study: Relations between fecal microbiota profile and its metabolites (short-chain fatty acids) and symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome. (external link)
- Berentsen, Birgitte; Thuen, Camilla; Andersen, Mari Liltvedt et al. (2018). Interdisciplinary self- help intervention for IBS - eHealth and patient education. (external link)
- Berentsen, Birgitte (2021). Internet guided intervention for irritable bowel syndrome: An interdisciplinary approach. (external link)
- Berentsen, Birgitte (2021). Mage-tarmskolen på internett. (external link)
- Berentsen, Birgitte (2021). IBS-skole 2-dagers digitalt kurs. (external link)
- Berentsen, Birgitte (2021). Spesialistkurs i Fordøyelsessykdommer (Leger i spesialisering, LIS-3 kurs). (external link)
- Berentsen, Birgitte (2021). Webinar om Funksjonell dyspepsi og gastroparese. (external link)
Masters thesis
- Rasmussen, Stella Hellgren; Berentsen, Birgitte; Lied, Gülen Arslan (2021). 12 weeks strict low FODMAP dietary effect on clinical biochemistry status and symptom relief in patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. (external link)
- Berentsen, Birgitte; Lundervold, Astri J. ; Hellgren Rasmussen, Stella (2021). Characterization of Cognition and Emotions in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Before and After a Low-FODMAP Diet. Preliminary Results of an Open-Labelled, Single-Center Study. (external link)
- Berentsen, Birgitte; Brønstad, Ingeborg; Gaassand Straume, Mariell (2021). Circulating serotonin in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Before and after a 12-week strict low FODMAP diet intervention. (external link)
- Hillestad, Eline; Berentsen, Birgitte; Lied, Gülen Arslan (2019). Evaluation of a tertiary, multidisciplinary outpatient clinic for irritable bowel syndrome. (external link)
- Rønnestad, Kine Terese; Bramham, Clive R.; Berentsen, Birgitte (2013). The Role of miR-‐326 in Basal Synaptic Transmission and Long-‐Term Potentiation in the Rat Dentate Gyrus In Vivo. (external link)
- Bramham, Clive R. Evjen; Berentsen, Birgitte (2009). microRNA-34a Function in Long-Term Potentiation in the Dentate Gyrus of the Anaesthetised Rat. (external link)