Dag Elgesem
Professor, ICT and society
Research groups
I have a background in philosophy, logic, and ethics - in particular ethical issues in research and information technology. In the last few years I have focussed on methods for the anlaysis of how opinions spread over disital, social networks, and how these technologies affect democracy. This part of my research is concerned in particular on the study of how attitudes to climate change plays of over digital, social networks.
Current research interest: what are the possibilities for democratic control and regulation of AI - in particular thought the new AI Act.
Teach the courses AIKI210 AI Ethics, DIGI115 Data og demokrati og DiGI614/114 Grunnkunnskap om Kunstig Intelligens.
Academic article
- Elgesem, Dag; Knudsen, Erik; Fløttum, Kjersti (2024). The Impact of Climate Change on Lifestyle Journalism. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag; Brüggemann, Michael (2022). Polarisation or just differences in opinion: How and why Facebook users disagree about Greta Thunberg. (external link)
- Ferrer-Conill, Raul; Karlsson, Michael; Haim, Mario et al. (2021). Toward ‘Cultures of Engagement’? An exploratory comparison of engagement patterns on Facebook news posts . (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag; Felde, Andrea Kronstad (2021). ‘How dare you!’ – anklager og mot-anklager på Facebook knyttet til Greta Thunbergs FN-tale 23. september 2019. (external link)
- Haim, Mario; Karlsson, Michael; Ferrer-Conill, Raul et al. (2021). You should read this study! It investigates Scandinavian social media logics. (external link)
- Schmid-Petri, Hannah; Reber, Ueli; Arlt, Dorothee et al. (2019). A Dynamic Perspective on Publics and Counterpublics: The Role of the Blogosphere in Pushing the Issue of Climate Change During the 2016 US Presidential Campaign. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2019). The Meaning of Links. On the interpretation of hyperlinks in the study of polarization in blogging about climate change. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2017). Polarization in blogging about the paris meeting on climate change. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag; Kennedy, Helen; Miguel, Christina (2017). On fairness: user perspectives on social media data mining. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag; Feinerer, Ingo; Steskal, Lubos (2016). Bloggers’ responses to the Snowden affair: combining automated and manual methods in the analysis of news blogging. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag; Steskal, Lubos; Diakopoulos, Nicholas (2015). Structure and content of the discourse on climate change in the blogosphere: The big picture. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2014). The concept of a routine in Segerberg’s philosophy of action. (external link)
- Moe, Richard Elling; Elgesem, Dag (2013). Compact trie clustering for overlap detection in news. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag; Olsen, Linda Elen (2013). Ungdoms forhold til nyheter. En studie basert på mediadagbok. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2008). Search engines and the public use of reason. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2006). Normative structures in trust management. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Elgesem, Dag (2023). The AI Act and the risks posed by generative AI models. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2015). Consent and information - ethical considerations when conducting research on social media. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2014). Fra klimaskepsis til energipolitikk. Klimablogging på norsk. (external link)
- Eide, Elisabeth; Elgesem, Dag; Gloppen, Siri et al. (2014). Norske paradokser. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2008). Information Technology Research Ethics. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2008). Lik tilgang for alle?. (external link)
- Solhaug, Bjørnar; Elgesem, Dag; Stølen, Ketil (2007). Specifying Policies Using UML Sequence Diagrams - An Evaluation Based on a Case Study. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2007). Deliberativ teknologi?. (external link)
- Solhaug, Bjørnar; Elgesem, Dag; Stølen, Ketil (2007). Why Trust is not Proportional to Risk. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Fløttum, Kjersti; Drange, Helge; Elgesem, Dag et al. (2023). CLIMLIFE project. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag; Fløttum, Kjersti (2022). Political measures and individual choices of climate friendly behavior. (external link)
- Fløttum, Kjersti; Elgesem, Dag; Andersen, Ida Vikøren et al. (2022). Voices on lifestyle in a climate change perspective. (external link)
- Fløttum, Kjersti; Elgesem, Dag (2021). Citizen opinions about authorities’ (lack of) facilitation of climate-friendly lifestyle choices. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag; Schmid-Petri, Hannah (2018). A dynamic perspective on publics and counterpublics: The role of the blogosphere in pushing the issue of climate change during the 2016 US presidential campaign. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag; Brüggemann, Michael (2018). A not so ideal speech situation: Reconstructing the hoax discourse surrounding climate change in the blogosphere. (external link)
- Salway, Andrew; Diakopoulos, Nicholas; Elgesem, Dag (2012). Visualizing Information Diffusion and Polarization with Key Statements. (external link)
- Duarte, Katherine; Elgesem, Dag (2012). Who are the Experts? Audiences’ perception of climate change and the framing of expertise in print and online media. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2012). Anonymitet og kvalitet i nettdebatten. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2012). The question of anonymity in debates in online newspapers. (external link)
- Olsen, Linda Elen; Elgesem, Dag (2011). Ungdoms forhold til nyheter – en studie basert på mediedagbok. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2007). Search engines and the problem of transparency. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag; Nordbotten, Joan C. (2007). The role of context in the interpretation of images. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2007). Search engines and the maxim of self preservation of reason. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2006). Generating trust on the internet - the problem of self-defeating strategies. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2006). Normative structures in trust management. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2006). Models of search behavior and the problem of search engines as gatekeepers to the web. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2006). Deliberativ teknologi?. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2005). P3P and the new market for personal information: an ethical evaluation. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2005). Modellering og håndtering av tillit. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
- Aakra, Ågot; Gregersen, Thea ; Rødland, Ernst Kristian et al. (2022). Hva gjør klima- og miljøendringene med den psykiske helsa vår?. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2006). Nettverksbasert offentlighet. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2005). Tillit, personvern og risiko - etiske spørsmål. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2005). Hellerprosjektet: metadata, emenkart og klassifisering av bilder. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2005). Personvern versus ytringsfrihet. Et filosofisk perspektiv. (external link)
Book review
Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Brüggemann, Michael; Elgesem, Dag; Bienzeisle, Nils et al. (2020). Mutual Group Polarization in the Blogosphere: Tracking the Hoax Discourse on Climate Change. (external link)
- Schmid-Petri, Hannah; Reber, Ueli; Arlt, Dorothee et al. (2019). A Dynamic Perspective on Publics and Counterpublics: The Role of the Blogosphere in Pushing the Issue of Climate Change During the 2016 US Presidential Campaign. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
- Johansen, Bjarte; Tessem, Bjørnar; Elgesem, Dag et al. (2019). Automated analysis of Norwegian text. (external link)
- Rhaman, Mofizur; Eide, Elisabeth; Elgesem, Dag (2018). Climate Change Journalism in Bangladesh. Professional Norms and Attention in Newspaper Coverage of Climate Change. (external link)
- Seddighi, Gilda; Elgesem, Dag (2017). Politicization of grievable lives on the Iranian Facebook pages. Case study of three Iranian Facebook pages. (external link)
- Touileb, Samia; Elgesem, Dag; Salway, Andrew (2017). Automatically Inducing Information Structures. A Text Mining Approach Based on the Distributional Hypothesis. (external link)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Elgesem, Dag (2017). Polarization in Blogging About the Paris Meeting on Climate Change. (external link)
- Eide, Elisabeth; Elgesem, Dag; Gloppen, Siri et al. (2014). Klima, medier og politikk. (external link)
- Ågotnes, Thomas; broersen, jan; Elgesem, Dag (2012). Deontic Logic in Computer Science: 11th International Conference, DEON 2012, Bergen, Norway, July 16-18, 2012, Proceedings. (external link)
- Wierzbicki, Adam; Elgesem, Dag (2009). Proceedings of the International Workshop on Social Informatics SOCINFO 2009. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag (2005). Deliberative Technology?. (external link)
- Salway, Andrew; Elgesem, Dag; Hofland, Knut et al. (2016). Topically-focused Blog Corpora for Multiple Languages. (external link)
- Salway, Andrew; Elgesem, Dag; Fløttum, Kjersti (2015). Representations of the future in "accepting" and "sceptical" climate change blogs. (external link)
- Elgesem, Dag; Salway, Andrew (2015). Traitor, whistleblower or hero? Moral evaluations of the Snowden-affair in the blogosphere. (external link)
- Diakopoulos, Nicholas; Zhang, Amy; Elgesem, Dag et al. (2014). Identifying and Analyzing Moral Evaluation Frames in Climate Change Blog Discourse. (external link)
- Touileb, Samia; Elgesem, Dag; Steskal, Lubos (2012). Networks of texts and people. (external link)
Internet exhibition
- Hansen, Gitte; Høie, Kristine; Flåan, Tanja Krogstadnes et al. (2011). Glass på Bryggen i Bergen 1300-1700. (external link)
- Bergsvik, Knut Andreas; Elgesem, Dag; Heierland, Ida Dyrkorn et al. (2006). Det vestnorske hellerprosjektet. (external link)
- Bergsvik, Knut Andreas; Elgesem, Dag; Stolpe, Audun (2005). Det vestnorske hellerprosjektet. (external link)