Academic article
Astor, Marianne Catharina; Løvås, Kristian; Methlie, Paal
et al. (2024). Corticosteroid rhythms in hypoparathyroid patients. (external link)
Dineen, Rosemary A.; Martin-Grace, Julie; Ahmed, Khalid Mohamed Saeed
et al. (2023). Tissue Glucocorticoid Metabolism in Adrenal Insufficiency: A Prospective Study of Dual-release Hydrocortisone Therapy. (external link)
Ueland, Hans Olav; Neset, Mikael Thomassen; Methlie, Paal
et al. (2023). Molecular Biomarkers in Thyroid Eye Disease: A Literature Review. (external link)
Lindal, Emma; Vo, Helene; Nilsen, Astrid
et al. (2023). En pilotstudie for å undersøke betydningen av fedme, metabolsk syndrom og bruk av kalsiumantagonister på periodontal helse. (external link)
Ueland, Grethe Åstrøm; Ueland, Hans Olav; Stokland, Ann-Elin Meling
et al. (2023). Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Clinical and Biochemical
Characteristics of Alemtuzumab-Induced Graves Disease. (external link)
Sævik, Åse Bjorvatn; Ueland, Grethe Åstrøm; Åkerman, Anna-Karin
et al. (2023). Altered biomarkers for cardiovascular disease and inflammation in autoimmune Addison's disease - a cross-sectional study. (external link)
Upton, Thomas J.; Zavala, Eder; Methlie, Paal
et al. (2023). High-resolution daily profiles of tissue adrenal steroids by portable automated collection. (external link)
Nilsen, Astrid; Thorsnes, Anette; Lie, Stein Atle
et al. (2023). Periodontitis in obese adults with and without metabolic syndrome: a cross-sectional study. (external link)
Ueland, Grethe Åstrøm; Methlie, Paal; Heie, Anette
et al. (2023). Substantial changes in inflammatory and cardiovascular biomarkers in patients with autonomous cortisol secretion. (external link)
Ueland, Grethe Åstrøm; Dahl, Sandra Rinne; Methlie, Paal
et al. (2022). Adrenal steroid profiling as a diagnostic tool to differentiate polycystic ovary syndrome from nonclassic congenital adrenal hyperplasia: pinpointing easy screening possibilities and normal cutoff levels using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. (external link)
Simunkova, Katerina; Løvås, Kristian; Methlie, Paal
et al. (2022). Pulsatile Subcutaneous Hydrocortisone Replacement in Primary Adrenal Insufficiency. (external link)
Sævik, Åse Bjorvatn; Wolff, Anette Susanne Bøe; Björnsdottir, Sigridur
et al. (2021). Potential Transcriptional Biomarkers to Guide Glucocorticoid Replacement in Autoimmune Addison's Disease. (external link)
Ueland, Grethe Åstrøm; Kellmann, Ralf; Jørstad, Melissa Davidsen
et al. (2021). Bedtime Salivary Cortisol as a Screening Test for Cushing Syndrome in Children. (external link)
Vogt, Elinor Margrethe Chelsom; Hammerling, Katrin; Sorbye, Halfdan
et al. (2021). Feminizing adrenal tumor identified by plasma steroid profiling. (external link)
Ueland, Grethe Åstrøm; Grinde, Thea; Methlie, Paal
et al. (2020). Diagnostic testing of autonomous cortisol secretion in adrenal incidentalomas. (external link)
Sævik, Åse Bjorvatn; Åkerman, Anna-Karin; Methlie, Paal
et al. (2020). Residual Corticosteroid Production in Autoimmune Addison Disease. (external link)
Aslaksen, Sigrid; Methlie, Paal; Vigeland, Magnus Dehli
et al. (2019). Coexistence of congenital adrenal hyperplasia and autoimmune Addison's disease. (external link)
Ueland, Grethe Åstrøm; Methlie, Paal; Øksnes, Marianne
et al. (2018). The short cosyntropin test revisited: new normal reference range using LC-MS/MS. (external link)
Ueland, Grethe Åstrøm; Methlie, Paal; Jøssang, Dag Eirik
et al. (2018). Adrenal Venous Sampling for Assessment of Autonomous Cortisol Secretion. (external link)
Ueland, Grethe Åstrøm; Methlie, Paal; Kellmann, Ralf
et al. (2017). Simultaneous assay of cortisol and dexamethasone improved diagnostic accuracy of the dexamethasone suppression test. (external link)
Stokke, Silje Agnethe; Methlie, Paal; Løvås, Kristian
et al. (2016). Nedsatt følsomhet for thyreoideahormon. (external link)
Simunkova, Katerina; Jovanovic, Nevena; Rostrup, Espen
et al. (2016). Effect of a pre-exercise hydrocortisone dose on short-term physical performance in female patients with primary adrenal failure. (external link)
Björnsdottir, Sigridur; Øksnes, Marianne; Isaksson, Magnus
et al. (2015). Circadian hormone profiles and insulin sensitivity in patients with Addison's disease: a comparison of continuous subcutaneous hydrocortisone infusion with conventional glucocorticoid replacement therapy. (external link)
Steen, Nils Eiel; Methlie, Paal; Lorentzen, Steinar
et al. (2014). Altered systemic cortisol metabolism in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia spectrum disorders. (external link)
Brønstad, Ingeborg; Breivik, Lars Ertesvåg; Methlie, Paal
et al. (2014). Functional studies of novel CYP21A2 mutations detected in Norwegian patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. (external link)
Øksnes, Marianne; Björnsdottir, Sigridur; Isaksson, Magnus
et al. (2014). Continuous subcutaneous hydrocortisone infusion versus oral hydrocortisone replacement for treatment of Addison's disease: A randomized clinical trial. (external link)
Methlie, Paal; Hustad, Simon Steinar; Kellmann, Ralph
et al. (2013). Multisteroid LC-MS/MS assay for glucocorticoids and androgens, and its application in Addison’s disease. (external link)
Methlie, Paal; Dankel, Simon E Nitter; Myhra, Tone Sæterdal
et al. (2013). Changes in adipose glucocorticoid metabolism before and after bariatric surgery assessed by direct hormone measurements. (external link)
Steen, Nils Eiel; Methlie, Paal; Lorentzen, Steinar
et al. (2011). Increased systemic cortisol metabolism in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: a mechanism for increased stress vulnerability?. (external link)
Methlie, Paal; Husebye, Eystein Sverre; Hustad, Simon Steinar
et al. (2011). Grapefruit juice and licorice increase cortisol availability in patients with Addison's disease. (external link)
Grimnes, Guri; Almås, Bjørg; Eggen, Anne Elise
et al. (2010). Effect of smoking on the serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D depends on the assay employed. (external link)
Academic literature review
Doctoral dissertation
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.