Research groups
Thomas Ågotnes is a full Professor of Information Science at the University of Bergen in Norway, where he is the head the Logic and AI (LAI) research group and currently head of teaching in Information Science. He is also a Changjiang Professor of Logic at the Institute of Logic and Intelligence at Southwest University in Chongqing, People's Republic of China.
Professor Ågotnes' research is in the intersection of formal logic, artificial intelligence and multi-agent systems. He is particularly interested in formalising reasoning about information (ex)change and different aspects of interaction in multi-agent systems, using modal logic. His work is often interdisiplinary, combining formal logic and computer science with formal/mathematical frameworks for modeling interaction from the social sciences such as game theory, social choice theory or social network analysis.
He has published extensively in these areas. See the Research Topics tab for more details about some research topics and collaborations, and the Publications tab for a list of publications. He has (with co-authors) received the best paper award at the AAMAS conference (2009). In 2018 he was awarded the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Scholar Award by the Chinese Ministry of Education. He has served the research community through numerous program committees, including senior program committees of IJCAI and AAMAS, as well as a frequent referee for journals and research councils. He is currently co-chair of the 2020 Scandinavian Logic Symposium (now moved to 2021 due to covid-19), and tutorials co-chair of AAMAS 2021.
Selected invited talks:
- Keynote speaker at The 7th International Conference on Logic, Rationality and Interaction (LORI 2019), Chongqing, China
- Keynote speaker at The 5th International Workshop on Philosophy and Logic of Social Reality (SOCREAL 2019), Sapporo, Japan
- Invited plenary speaker at The 9th Scandinavian Logic Symposium (SLS 2014), Tampere, Finland
Courses I am teaching or have recently taught:
- INFO104 Formal Methods in Information Science
- INFO207 Social Networks Theory
- INFO382 Logic for Multi-Agent Systems
I am involved setting up a new bachelor program in AI that will start in the autumn semester of 2021.
PhD students, current:
- Mina Young Pedersen (jointly supervised with Marija Slavkovik)
- Shuliang Dong (jontly supervised with Truls Pedersen)
PhD students, graduated:
- Zuojun Xiong
- Piotr Kazmierczak
- Truls Pedersen
- Yi Wang
You can find most of my publications in either Cristin (best for reverse chronological order), Google Scholar (current h-index: 29) or DBLP. If you are looking for something you cannot find, don't hesitate to ask.