Edit Tone Lund-Olsen Position Head of Administration, SKOK/SVT Affiliation Centre for Women's and Gender Research Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities E-mail tone.lund-olsen@uib.no Phone number +47 41649259 +47 55583312 Visitor address Ida Bloms hus, Allégaten 34, 3. etasje Bergen Postal address P.O. Box 7805 NO-5020 Bergen Norway Tone Lund-Olsen Position Head of Administration, SKOK/SVT Affiliation Centre for Women's and Gender Research Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities Work Personell/HRRecuitmentBudget and financesDevelopment and councelling Publications Academic chapter/article/Conference paper Øyen, Simen Andersen; Vaage, Nora Sørensen; Lund-Olsen, Tone (2012). Scientific Worldviews, Religious Minds - Some introductory reflections. (external link) Academic anthology/Conference proceedings Øyen, Simen Andersen; Lund-Olsen, Tone ; Vaage, Nora Sørensen (2012). Sacred science? On science and its interrelations with religious worldviews. (external link) Non-fiction book Repstad, Pål; Lund-Olsen, Tone (2003). Forankring eller frikopling?`Kulturperspektiver på religiøst liv i dag. (external link) See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.