- UiB
- The HSE-gateway
- Systematic HSE
Safety delegates
The safety delegates look after the employees' interests in matters concerning the working environment. The safety representatives have a supervisory function and are collaborative partners for the management.
Main content
Safety areas and safety delegates (NO)
UiB's chief Safety delegate
June-Vibecke Knudtsen Indrevik is elected UiB's chief safety delegate for the period of 2025-2026.
Ann-Elise Olderbakk Jordal is the substitute representative.
Contact information
- E-mail: UHVO@uib.no
- Visiting address: Christies gate 18, 2. floor.
- Postal address: Hovudverneombodet - Universitetet i Bergen - Postboks 7800 - 5020 Bergen.
Safety delegates' tasks, organisation and election.
Safety delegates' tasks
Safety delegates represent all employees in working environment matters. The safety delegates has a supervisory role, as well as being an important collaborator for the Line Management.
Safety delegates at UiB are divided into three levels:
- The university's chief Safety delegate
- Chief safety delegates
- Local Safety delegates
At UiB Safety delegates at all levels are elected; local safety delegates, safety degelates at faculties and the universitys chief safety delegate.
Safety delegates are elected for a period of 2 years.
A poster has been prepared that can be used for posting at the unit in Norwegian(pdf, A3)
Facilitating and collaboration (NO)
The safety delegate is an important support for the Line Management.to ensure a fully safe working environment. Managers at all levels are responsible for involving the safety delegates in the arenas where the working environment is a topic.
Active collaboration
Guidelines for facilitation and cooperation between line managers and safety representatives shall ensure that sufficient time is set aside at all levels at UiB to carry out safety delegate work in a proper manner and ensure regular meeting points between safety delegates and line managers.
The guidelines state how facilitation and cooperation shall be organized and carried out, and that this must be evaluated annually.
Sufficient time
The guidelines state that the safety delegate shall have sufficient time to carry out their duties.
Regular meetings
Regular meetings must be held between the line manager and the safety delegate.
The university's chief safety delegate and chief delegates at faculties/departments are responsible for coordinating the safety delegates' activities within their area of responsibility with regular meetings.
- Hovedavtalen for arbeidstakere i staten med Tilpasningsavtale for UiB (NO)
- The main agreement for employees working for the state with adaptation agreement for UiB.
- Regelsamlingen 3.2.2 Ansvar og oppgaver i HMS-arbeidet (NO)
- Responsibilities and tasks in the HSE work
- Retningslinje for systematisk helse-, miljø- og sikkerhetsarbeid (NO)
- Guidelines for systematic work with health, environment and safety.
- Guidelines for annual review of systematic health, safety and environment work (Internal Control) (ENG)
- Guidelines for facilitation and cooperation between line managers and safety representatives (ENG)
- Working Environment Act (ENG)
- Arbeidsmiljøloven
- Regulations relating to Systematic Health, Environment and Safety Activities in Enterprises (Internal Control Regulations) (ENG)
- Internkontrollforskriften
- Regulations concerning Organisation, Management and Employee Participation (ENG)
- Forskrift om organisering, ledelse og medvirkning
Work environment survey
Information about systematic assessment of the physical and psychosocial work environment
User participation in construction matters
Information for managers, employees and the users about how user participation is included in the planning and implementation of construction matters at UiB (pdf) NO.
Basic training in HSE
40-hour basic training in HSE will be offered to safety representatives in 2025. More information and registration in the HSE gateway (NO).
Safety delegate folder UiB - the safety delegates blog
The chief safety delegates at UiB have prepared information for the safety delegates in a blog (NO).
Useful links
- Safety areas and safety delegates (NO)
- Safety delegate folder UiB (NO) (the safety delegates blog)
- Work environment survey
Facts about the safety delegates at UiB
18 Safety delegates at faculties and substitutes
157 safety delegates and substitutes