Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care

The Norwegian Primary Care Research Network

The Norwegian Primary Care Research Network (in Norwegian: PraksisNett) is a research infrastructure that provides a foundation for enhancing the quality of primary care research in Norway. The infrastructure facilitates recruitment of primary care patients to clinical studies and increases the power and predictability of these studies.

The Norwegian Primary Care Research Network – PraksisNett


Main content

Each year about 70% of the Norwegian population visit their general practitioner (GP). Most patients only rarely encounter secondary care; in spite of this, research in primary care is limited. This is due to the lack of a research infrastructure that enables researchers to conduct clinical trials or access patients or patient data within primary care in Norway. PraksisNett is established to meet this challenge.

Bildet viser logoen til PraksisNett
Take a look at our information video about the Snow technology that PraksisNett uses. Note that all names and data in the video are fictitious.

Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning (2022)

Contact us at praksisnett@uib.no