Eligibility criteria

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Patients with arm motor impairment after stroke are offered participation in the trial if the following criteria apply:

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Inclusion criteria

  • First ever ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, or former stroke without any residual motor impairment
  • 1-12 weeks post stroke
  • Impaired arm motor function but some residual arm motor activity.  Upper limit defined by a score of less than 52 on Action Research Arm Test (ARAT). Lower limit defined by  the ability to execute at least 20 degrees of active shoulder flexion and abduction or some selective finger movement.

Exclusion criteria

  • Severe cognitive impairment defined as < 20 on Mini Mental Status Examination
  • Orthopedic impairment, limiting mobility substantially or causing pain
  • Visual disorders limiting the ability to comply with treatment regimen
  • < 18 years
  • Unable to give informed consent