Media, Culture and Public Connection: Freedom of Information in “the Age of Big Data”

Presentations of the project

The MeCIn research group presents analyses and findings from the project in conferences and seminars during the project:

Main content


Tine Ustad Figenschou. "Audiences in an age of media mistrust and alternative media". XI International Conference of Online Journalism; 2019-11-11 - 2019-11-12

Hallvard Moe. "Svikter tilliten til mediene?". Launch of Reuters Digital News Report 2019; 2019-06-12 - 2019-06-12

Hallvard Moe and Brita Ytre-Arne. "Folk theories of algorithms". NordMedia; 2019-08-21 - 2019-08-23

Jan Fredrik Hovden. "Political publics, political participation and social class: A multiple factor analysis". ICA; 2019-05-23 - 2019-05-27

Jan Fredrik Hovden. "Political publics, political participation and social class: A multiple factor analysis". NordMedia; 2019-08-21 - 2019-08-23

Torgeir Uberg Nærland. "From pleasure to politics: five functions of TV-series for public connection". ICA; 2019-05-23 - 2019-05-27

Torgeir Uberg Nærland. "Mediated (Mis)Recognition and the Formation of Populist Identities". Mediated Recognition: Identity, Justice and Activism; 2019-05-24 - 2019-05-24

Torgeir Uberg Nærland. "Mediated Recognition, Populism and Identity". ICA; 2019-05-23 - 2019-05-27

Torgeir Uberg Nærland. "Mediebruk, kulturbruk og frakobling". Foresight workshop: Sosial og kulturell ulikhet i mediebruk; 2019-10-10 - 2019-10-10

Torgeir Uberg Nærland. "TV-serier og medborgerskap". Seminar om mediebruk; 2019-05-10 - 2019-05-10

Torgeir Uberg Nærland, Jan Fredrik Hovden, Hallvard Moe and Brita Ytre-Arne. "Manifest, Everyday and Deep Orientation: Public Connection across and beyond Journalistic Media". ICA; 2019-05-23 - 2019-05-27

Kjersti Thorbjørnsrud. "Tilliten til den politiske journalistikken under press". Debate at Stortingets Presselosje; 2019-04-24 - 2019-04-24

Kjersti Thorbjørnsrud and Tine Ustad Figenschou. "Alarmed citizens: Immigration, mistrust and alternative media". NordMedia; 2019-08-21 - 2019-08-23

Brita Ytre-Arne. "The public sphere as seen from everyday life". NordMedia; 2019-08-21 - 2019-08-23


Brita Ytre-Arne "Omtrentlig informerte, sporadisk overvåkende? Demokratiske idealer og nyhetsbruk i dagens Norge", KULMEDIA conference, Litteraturhuset i Oslo, 21. March. 

Brita Ytre-Arne "Approximately informed, occasionally monitorial? Reconsidering citizen ideals", ICA-conference, 24-28. May.

Hallvard Moe. "Hvilke medier har vi tillit til?". Launch of Reuters Institute Digital News Report and debate about trust in the media; 2018-06-18

Hallvard Moe. Roundtable discussion at the ECC ARS Pre-conference "Audiences, datafication and the everyday". Pre-conference "Audiences, datafication and the everyday"; 2018-10-31 - 2018-10-31

Hallvard Moe, Torgeir Uberg Nærland and Jan Fredrik Hovden "Enabling Cultural Policies? Culture, Capabilities and Citizenship", ECREA 2018-Konferanse, Lugano 31. October - 3.November

Hallvard Moe, Brita Ytre-Arne and Torgeir Uberg Nærland "Annoying clowning far away, world shattering schock and regained stability: Three phases of Norwegians Audiences' Sense-Making of the 2016 US Presidential election", ECREA 2018-conference, Lugano 31. October - 3. November

Hilde Sakariassen "A digital public sphere; just a theory, or perceived reality for users of social media?", ICA-conference, 24-28. May.

Jan Fredrik Hovden "På sporet av eit kulturelt hamskifte?", Norsk kulturråd, 3. December.

Jan Fredrik Hovden "Social stratification of media and news use in Norway", ECREA 2018-Konferanse, Lugano 31. October - 3. November

Jan Fredrik Hovden "#Metoo - berre for spesielt interesserte? Nokre tal om folks merksemd mot #metoo frå ein surveystudie av den norske befolkninga 22. november - 13. desember 2017", Likestillingskonferansen 2018, 10. April.  

Jan Fredrik Hovden and Lennart Rosenlund. "The uses of media". Rising Inequelities III; 2018-10-03 - 2018-10-05

Jan Fredrik Hovden "Increasingly controversial, cultural and political? The Scandinavian Immigration debate in the Press 1970-2016" with Post.doc Hilmar Mjelde, ICA-conference, 24-28. May

Jan Fredrik Hovden with Lennart Rosenlund (UiS) "Endelaus valfridom, tradisjonelle mønster? Mediebruk, offentleg deltaking og sosial klasse", KULMEDIA conference, Litteraturhuset i Oslo, 21. March. 

Torgeir Uberg Nærland "Enabled by Humor? Minority Youth, Humor and Public Service Broadcasting in Norway – the Case of Black Humor", ICA-konferanse, 24-28.mai

Torgeir Uberg Nærland. "Enabling Cultural Policies?". International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR 2018); 2018-08-21 - 2018-08-25

Torgeir Uberg Nærland. "Enabling Cultural Policies: Culture and Capabilities". ECREA; 2018-10-30 - 2018-11-03

Torgeir Uberg Nærland. "Har punk noen politisk betydning?". Musikk og samfunnskritikk: Pønk; 2018-11-13 - 2018-11-13

Torgeir Uberg Nærland. "TV-series and public connection". Seminar om kjønn og mediebruk; 2018-09-20 - 2018-09-20

Torgeir Uberg Nærland, Jan Fredrik Hovden and Hallvard Moe. "Enabling Cultural Policies? Culture, Capabilities and Citizenship". 10th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR2018); 2018-08-21 - 2018-08-25

Torgeir Uberg Nærland. "Fictional Entertainment and Public Connection: Audiences and the Everyday Use of TV-series", ICA-conference, 24-28. May.


Brita Ytre-Arne and Hallvard Moe "Approximately informed, occasionally monitorial? Reconsidering citizenship ideals in the age of big data”, paper presented at ECREA-sections Communication and Democracy, Media Industries and Cultural Production, and Digital Democracy's joint conference Critical Perspectives in the Age of Big Data, Stockholm, Sverige, 10.-12. November.

Hallvard Moe. "Emnet MEVI1371: Nyhetsbruk, nettmedier og demokrati". Master programme Media Science Høst 2017; 2017-09-01 - 2017-12-15

Hallvard Moe "En tillitskrise? Oppfatninger om medienøytralitet i den norske befolkningen", presentation at Offentlighetens grenser: Truer utstøting og selvsensur ytringsfriheten?, Oslo, 9. June.

Hallvard Moe "Media use, culture and public connection: Report from an ongoing Norwegian project", Högre Seminarium, Södertörn Högskola, Stockholm, Sverige, 28. november.

Hallvard Moe and Brita Ytre-Arne "Approximately Informed, Occasionally Monitorial? Reconsidering Normative Ideals for informed citizens in the 'Age of Big Data'", paper presented at ICA-pre-konferansen Normative Theories in Communication Research, San Diego, USA, 25. May.

Hilde Sakariassen "Why so quiet? Exploring different forms of silence in the digital public sphere", paper presented at CEDAR-conference Audiences 2030, Lisboa, Portugal, 28.-19. September.

Hilde Sakariassen "Why so quiet: Exploring self-censorship in and silence in the digital public sphere" paper presented at NordMedia 2017 conference: Mediated Realities - Global Challenges, Tampere, Finland, 17.-19. August.

Jan Fredrik Hovden and Hallvard Moe "A sociocultural approach to study public connection across and beyond media: The example of Norway", poster presented at International Communication Association 67. yearly conference, San Diego, USA, 25.-30. May.

Torgeir Uberg Nærland "Audiences, expressive culture and public connection: The case of TV-series", paper presented at NordMedia 2017 conference: Mediated Realities - Global Challenges, Tampere, Finland, 17.-19. August.

Torgeir Uberg Nærland "Fictional entertainment and public connection: Audiences and TV-series in Norway", lecture at PhD-lecture Media, Culture and Participation, Paris, Frankrike, 25.-26. October.

Torgeir Uberg Nærland "Audiences and TV-series: Four Functions for Public Connection", paper presented at CEDAR-conference Audiences 2030, Lisboa, Portugal, 28.-19. September.


Hallvard Moe and Brita Ytre-Arne "Exercising and experiencing freedom of information: Media diaries in the exploration of public connection", paper presented at the 6. European Communication Conference (ECREA), Praha, Tjekkia, 9.-11. November.

Hallvard Moe "Endringer i mediebruk og betydningen for offentligheten", contribution at KULMEDIA-conference at Forskningsdagene, Oslo, 26. September

Hallvard Moe ”Neither Informed, nor Monitorial? Conceptualizing Citizens in the Digital Age”, keynote-electure at KULMEDIA-seminar, Bergen, 3. March.

Hallvard Moe ”Media, Culture and Public Connection: Freedom of Information in the ’Age of Big Data’ – a presentation of the project”, presentation at researcg group seminar, Roskilde Universitet, 27. March.

Jan Fredrik Hovden, Hallvard Moe and Torgeir Uberg Nærland ”Media, Culture and Public Connection: Freedom of Information in the ’Age of Big Data’ – a presentation of the project”, presentasjon under KULMEDIA-seminar, Bergen, 4. March.

Torgeir Uberg Nærland "Recognition Through Reception: Hip Hop Music and the Forging of Civic Bonds Among Minority Youth in Norway", paper presented at International Communication Association 66. yearly conference, Fukuoka, Japan, 9.-13. June .

Torgeir Uberg Nærland "Expressive culture and public connection across socio cultural difference", paper presented at the 6. European Communication Conference (ECREA), Praha, Tjekkia, 9.-11. November.

Are you interested in more information about any of the presentations? Contact the writers or project leader Hallvard Moe.