Explanation of and appeals against examination grades at the Faculty of Psychology
You may ask for an explanation of the grade you have received, and appeal against examination grades and formal errors. Here you will find the procedure and form to use.

Main content
- Explanation of a grade
- Appeal against grades, deadlines for appeals and reassessment of examination grades
- Appeals in connection with other deadlines (diplomas and admission)
- Appeals against formal errors
- Withdrawing an appeal
Explanation of a grade
Written examinations:
The deadline for requesting an explanation of a grade is one week (7 days) after examination results have been published. Log in to studentweb, and find ‘Exam appeals’ in the main menu.
If you have requested an explanation of a grade, the deadline for appeals is set to three weeks after you have received the explanation. At UiB, the examiners decide whether an explanation of grades is given orally or in writing. Written explanations will be given in the test in Inspera Assessment, no later than 2 weeks after you requested it.
Oral and practical examinations:
You must ask for an explanation as soon as you receive the grade.
Explanation of appeal grade:
If you want an explanation of the appeal grade, you must send an e-mail to eksamen.psyfa@uib.no. Remember to enter the course code and candidate number.
Appeals against grades, deadlines for appeals and reassessment of examination grades
Written examinations:
Appeals against grades are to be made in Studentweb, and find ‘Exam appeals ’ in the main menu.
You can appeal against a grade within three weeks after the examination result has been announced, (also in connection with public holidays), cf. Section 5-3 of the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges (UHL).
Oral and practical examinations:
You cannot appeal against grades for oral and practical examinations.
Group examinations:
A group examination is an examination or assignment where two or more students have completed a piece of examination work together.
With regard to group examinations, you have an individual right of appeal, and any change in grade will have individual effect. If you are the only person to appeal and the grade is changed, the change will only apply to you. The students who you co-wrote with but did not appeal will be left with the original result. The rules for appeals against group examination grades are set out in Section 5-3 (4) of the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges.
Reassessment of examination grades after appeal
Written examinations:
The results of the appeals procedure will be announced in Studentweb.
The new commission makes a completely new and independent assessment of the examination answer paper. In the event of reassessment of examination grades, changes may be made both in favour and disfavour of the appellant (cf. Section 3-9 (5) of the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges).
If the reassessment of examination grades deviates from the original grade by 2 grades or more, a further assessment must be made before the final grade is determined (cf. Section 5-3 (6) of the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges).
You cannot appeal against grades awarded in connection with the reassessment of examination grades (cf. Section 5-3 (7) of the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges), or ask to go back to the original grade. However, you may ask for an explanation of your new grade. The deadline for requesting an explanation is one week after the reassessment of the examination grade was made known to you.
If you receive a ‘fail’ result after the reassessment of examination grades, you may re-sit the examination the next time the ordinary examination is held. This assumes that you are admitted to a course or specific programme of study, have paid the semester fee and have valid compulsory activities. You are responsible for registering for assessment.
Be aware of the three-time rule at UiB. (Regulations relating to Admissions, Studies, Assessment and Degrees at the University of Bergen)
Appeals in connection with other deadlines (diplomas and admission)
For admission to further studies, such as master’s programmes and 1-year programmes in educational theory and practice, the application deadline is 15 April, with a post-submission deadline of 1 July.
Regarding admission to further studies, the grades you have obtained by the post-submission deadline of 1 July will be used as the basis for admission, even if you have submitted an appeal.
Appeals against formal errors
The deadline for appealing against formal errors in examinations is within three weeks of the date when the student became or should have become aware of the circumstance on which the appeal is based (cf. Section 5-2 of the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges). Appeals must be submitted as a letter or e-mail. In the appeal, you must explain which error you believe has occurred and how you want it to be corrected. Formal errors are resolved by either a reassessment of examination grades (if possible) or by re-sitting the examination. In both cases, the grade is annulled, which means that you will have no course result until a reassessment of examination grades or re-sit examination takes place.
Appeals against formal errors in examinations should be sent to post.psyfa@uib.no, or via regular post if there is sensitive information to:
Faculty of Psychology, UiB
P.O. Box 7807
5020 Bergen
The faculty can reject the case, uphold appeals or forward the case to UiB’s Central Appeals Committee.
Upholding an appeal
The faculty may uphold your appeal if the appeal against formal errors is considered justified. The outcome of upholding an appeal will be that the students affected by the error either receive a reassessment of examination grades or have to re-sit the examination. The outcome depends on what is required in order to correct the error.
Rejection or dismissal of appeal
An appeal against formal errors may be rejected if, for example, the appeal is submitted too late. You have the right to appeal against a decision on rejection within a specified deadline. If the decision is upheld by the faculty, the appeal will be processed by the Central Appeals Committee.
If an appeal against formal errors is submitted within the deadline and is rejected by the faculty, the case will be forwarded to the Central Appeals Committee at UiB. The faculty must prepare the case before it is submitted to the appeals committee, with a copy to the appellant (cf. Section 7.5, paragraph 2 of the Regulations relating to Admissions, Studies, Assessment and Degrees at the University of Bergen).
Please note that the Central Appeals Committee has a separate period of administrative procedure.
Withdrawing an appeal
An appeal against examination grades or formal errors, which is submitted before the deadline expires, may be withdrawn as long as no decision has been made in the case.
To withdraw an appeal, you can send an email to post.psyfa@uib.no, requesting that the case be closed because you do not wish to proceed with your appeal. Remember to enter the course code and candidate number.
Deadlines for withdrawing appeals
Appeals against examination grades may be withdrawn as long as the Appeals Commission has not set a new grade.
Appeals against formal errors may be withdrawn as long as no decision has been made in the case, either by the faculty having made a decision itself or that it has been processed by the appeals committee.
Note that if the faculty discovers that formal errors have actually occurred, the faculty may still decide that a reassessment of examination grades or a re-sit examination should take place to correct the error, even if the appeal that led to the error being discovered has been withdrawn. Pursuant to Section 5-2 (4) of the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges.