Faculty of Psychology

Strategic research funds

Every year, the faculty announces research funds for strategic distribution to researchers employed at the Faculty of Psychology.

Main content

The faculty wants to provide good conditions for excellent research environments and at the same time focus on supporting new promising research environments and new research topics. We work to strengthen the institutes' and research environments' competitiveness to be able to increase external funding from both national and international funding sources.

This is a scheme which is aimed at those who wish to (further) develop larger applications for external funding. In addition, we want to focus on collaborative projects across professional environments. The purpose is for researchers to have increased room for action and support for application development. In 2024, the budgetary allocation is NOK 150,000 for this purpose.

Who can apply

The support is aimed at individual researchers who wish to (further) develop larger (minimum NOK 3 million) applications to external sources (primarily NFR and the EU, but also Health Foundations and other public/private funders).

What is supported

Working sessions/network meetings, travel, language vetting of applications, expert assistance/consultant assistance used for application development (in addition to what UiB can contribute), guest researcher stays in relation to application development, pilot studies related to application development etc.

What is not supported

The grant does not support general allocations to researchers or research groups who want more operating funds, conference trips or measures that are not linked to a specific application process, temporary appointments/salaries, equipment acquisitions.

Financial limit

Applications can be made for a maximum of NOK 25,000 per application process/person. If you need funding beyond this limit, it must be explained in detail in the application form. It is NOT possible to transfer unused funds to the following year. If you have received strategic funds earlier in the same year, you cannot apply multiple times (unless it is a new project).

Coordination with PES-funding

Researchers are encouraged to make use of UiB's PES funds that are specific for EU applications. Allocation of the faculty's strategic research funds are coordinated with the PES-funding, and you should primarily apply for funds at UiB level. If no allocation is made from there, then you may have the option of applying at faculty level.

Websites with information about the PES/POS scheme: https://www.uib.no/boa/97622/prosjektetableringsst%C3%B8tte-pes-og-posisjoneringsmidler-pos-horisont-2020


The applications are assessed continuously - the aim is to give feedback on the application within two weeks.


The reporting deadline is 10 January of the year following the award. For reporting on funds to external consultants (draft application before the application deadline), the report can be submitted 2 weeks after the application deadline. The report must be approved by the faculty's research and researcher education committee (FFU) and an approved report is a prerequisite for the granting of future funds.