Quality in Education

Programme evaluation

A more comprehensive evaluation of the study programmes offered must be carried out at least every 5 years, while new study programmes should be evaluated sooner.

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It is up to the faculties to decide whether the evaluation should be linked to, for example, the dean’s or the programme auditor’s term of office, cf. guidelines .

In this context, education offered may be study programmes at Bachelor's or Master's level, completed elements of professional programmes or the education offered represented by courses or modules. It is up to the faculties to decide what study programmes to evaluate; the programme coordinator/programme board plans and carries out the evaluation in collaboration with the academic administration.

Programme evaluations should normally be in the form of self-evaluations. The programme board/faculty can also use external evaluation by a committee of peers or give the programme auditor the task of evaluating various aspects of a study programme. A peer or programme auditor evaluation can be used as a supplement to or substitute for self-evaluation. The evaluation of study programmes should include:

  • The study programme’s profile and structure, the use of joint teaching and courses specially developed for the study programme and academic and social activities
  • Whether the chosen methods of teaching and assessment are in accordance with the objectives of the study programme
  • Practical implementation
  • The number of applicants/in relation to places offered, programme completion, percentage of students that fail or drop out of the programme
  • Grade distribution
  • Available resources
  • Comments on the student evaluations
  • Study programme information and documentation
  • Availability of relevant literature
  • The department/programme head’s evaluation and suggestions for improvements.

See otherwise the mandate for programme auditors and the requirements for the faculties’ education reports.

It is up to each faculty to adopt further guidelines for the evaluation of its own study programmes. There must be an implementation plan, which must be available online.