Quality in Education

Learning environment

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Learning environment committee

The University of Bergen’s Learning Environment Committee (LMU) is appointed pursuant to the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges section 4-3 no 3. The LMU is an advisory body that is responsible for following up questions relating to the university’s physical and social learning environment, cf. the committee’s mandate. I accordance with the act, students and the institution have an equal number of representatives on the committee. Five students are appointed by the student organizations. The five remaining representatives are employee representatives. Four of the employee representatives are senior administrative staff. The fifth representative has a particular responsibility to attend to the rights and needs of students with disabilities at UiB. The office of committee chair alternates between students and the institution every second year. The committee has four permanent observers. 

Advisory body for learning environment

The LMU’s most important task is to ensure that it has insight into and an overview of the students’ learning environment at the institution in order to make an overall assessment of the situation. The LMU will also draw up and maintain an expedient reporting system for the learning environment. The LMU will be a consultative body in connection with the planning of large projects and be represented at the transfer inspection. The LMU also has particular responsibility for disabled students and universal design at UiB.

Complaints about the learning environment

By law, the LMU must be informed about complaints received by the institution from students concerning the learning environment. The LMU can express an opinion on such matters to the University Board. The LMU must also be informed about any instructions and individual decisions issued by the Labour Inspection Authority in relation to the institution’s learning environment.


Learning environment award

UiB presents a learning environment award once a year following a decision by the Learning Environment Committee (LMU). All students or student organizations may nominate candidates. The purpose of the award is to give recognition to communities or individuals at the university who have been particularly successful in facilitating learning through academic, educational and social efforts, or through the facilitation of the physical or psycho-social learning environment.