PhD education

Take a PhD at UiB!

PhD education gives you the possibility of working in academia and doing in-depth research on the field of your interest. A need for challenging research in climate change combined with the prospects of a good work-life balance brought Ina Nagler from Austria and the Netherlands to a PhD programme in Bergen. 

Ina Nagler
Dag Hellesund

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Originally from Austria, Ina considered several options before she ended up on the west coast of Norway. She has always had a fascination for the country, but the research environment was more decisive. 
- I also knew that the salary was good, and that work-life balance was valued. I believe that you should enjoy what you’re doing, without working yourself to death, says Ina. 

Super-nice work environment

In Austria PhDs are paid little and used as cheap labour, Ina explains. In Norway, PhDs are paid an ordinary salary. 
Her work is on climate change, which is a big, cross-disciplinary topic at the University of Bergen. 
- I am working on how climate change will affect our ocean currents. And I am specifically looking at the North Atlantic subpolar gyre. 
This gyre is a cold, circulating ocean current south of Iceland, Greenland and the coast of Canada. 
- I am looking for changes in the ocean circulation in models, and then I will look for similar processes in paleo reconstructions. 
She will specifically look at how the subpolar gyre interacts with the rest of the system during changes. There will be signs of these processes in paleo archives found in sediments on the sea bottom. This can confirm both if the climate models are working well, and if the interpretation of paleo-data is correct. 

People are all very friendly and welcoming. When I accepted the job offer, I felt like it could provide me with this challenge that I need to thrive, but also a general feeling of belonging and contentment, in a way

- A direct comparison of the physical processes within models and paleo data has not been done yet and may lead to surprises. 

Ina has only positive things to say about her colleagues:
- It’s a super-nice work environment. I’m part of the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, so I came quickly in contact with different scientist working on the big issues of climate change. People know each other, and you can just go and talk with them. People are all very friendly and welcoming.  When I got the job, the deciding factor was the feeling that I got during the interview. It was a committee of five people, and I felt like they could provide me with this challenge that I need to thrive, but also a general feeling of belonging and contentment, in a way. Happiness!