
Frameworks to enhance research quality

The University has initiated an exercise to map the framework conditions which facilitate high quality research - UIB FRAM.

Eivind Senneset

Main content

The project «Frameworks to enhance research quality», UiB FRAM, will examine the frameworks for research quality and artistic development work in the academic environments at the University of Bergen. 

The framework conditions and competitive landscape which characterise academia are constantly changing. Yet amidst this change, it is vitally important for universities to continue in their role as stewards of excellent academic and research environments. UiB is an international research-intensive university with broad disciplinary reach. To ensure framework conditions which support the generation of high quality research in the future, we need deeper insight into how they function today.

This project aims to stimulate discussion about conditions that promote high quality research at UiB. Results will be published in a report that will be presented to the University Board in spring 2021. It is important for us as a university to remain keenly aware of our own work to enhance quality. 

Survey to academic staff members

To obtain a detailed picture of academic communities across UiB, we need your help:

We are now sending out a survey to all academic staff members at the University of Bergen – from PhD candidates to professors. Our aim is twofold: to examine how, as an institution, we can make provisions so that academic communities at UiB have framework conditions that ensure high quality research, and to look at how we can work to ensure strong framework conditions in the future.

By participating in the survey, you have an opportunity to share your experiences of what works well and where improvement is needed.

The Survey will be sent out in the beginning of December.

Contact information: 

Senior adviser Vibeke Irgan
E-mail: vibeke.irgan@uib.no
Tel.: +47 555 84 991