Global and development-related research
Working paper series

Global Challenges Working Paper Series published by UiB Global and CROP

The Global Challenges Working Paper Series (WPS) seeks to disseminate research in its early stages related to global challenges, such as poverty, inequality, sustainability and other relevant cross-disciplinary development issues.

Photos of poverty

Main content

The series will be a vehicle for scholars in our global network to swiftly disseminate their research. Its aim is to provide a conceptual and empirical basis for critical analysis of the most pressing issues of our era and at the same time influence public debate and policy-making.

WPS contributors are free to subsequently publish their work in books or journals.

Access the working paper series on Bergen Open Research Archive (BORA).

The WPS covers a variety of themes and perspectives. As global institutions with operations in diverse parts of the world, CROP, ISSC and UiB Global aim to create spaces for the voices of the South and the North to interact and express a plurality of perspectives.

The goal of the series is to stimulate discussion and contribute to the advancement of critical thought on development both in academic circles and in society as a whole. It thus encourages the presentation of ideas and information in a format that can be easily adapted to a variety of audiences. Papers should be relevant for academics, students of development studies, and policy makers.

The Series publishes articles in English and all the working papers are available open access for download free of charge.

Papers received are subject to peer review and approved for publication by an Editorial Board.

We invite our global partners to submit WP proposals to: WPS@uib.no

Guidelines and editorial norms are available here (hypertext).