Global and development-related research

CROP Newsletter December 2012

The newsletter is a way of sharing with CROPNet, colleagues and friends the events and news that involved CROP during the second semester of 2012.

Main content

During this time many significant events have taken place, and planning for new activities in 2013 have also been undertaken, these include:

  • New agreement between ISSC and UiB about CROP
  • Selection of new CROP Scientific Committee members for 2013-14
  • Co-operation with Academics Stand Against Poverty (ASAP)
  • CROP Secretariat 20th anniversary in 2013
  • New funding awarded to CROP and its partners
  • Agreement between UNILA and CROP established
  • Reports and results of CROP events, activities and publications during the last half of 2012

Click here to read the CROP Newsletters