Global and development-related research
Open Info-meeting

Nordic Africa Research Network

Come and learn about the Nordic Africa Research Network - a network for Nordic researchers and scholars studying and producing knowledge about Africa.

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Dr. Proscovia Svärd will talk about this initiative based at the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI) in Uppsala. Svärd is the co-ordinator of the Nordic Africa Research Network. She is a Senior Lecturer at Södertörn University's Institute of History and Contemporary Studies.

The Nordic Africa Research Network's (NARN) mission is to build up a community of Nordic researchers and scholars with a keen interest in studying and producing knowledge about Africa.

NARN (ww.narn.se) endeavour to facilitate and enhance communication and cooperation between individual researchers and institutions in the Nordic countries. It will bring together Nordic people who engage with Africans and African institutions and will therefore be a relevant platform for communicating information on all aspects of life in Africa. 

NARN is a member-based association that will closely work with the Nordic Africa Institute to foster Nordic researchers' co-operation. Its board constitutes eight members who represent; Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. NARN is currently funded and domiciled at the NAI which is providing a take-off grant for the initial period of twelve months.

NARN will practically pursue its mission by undertaking the following:

  • on one's own or in co-operation with others organize exhibitions, conferences, meetings, lectures, seminars and training courses
  • publish the Nordic Journal of African Studies
  • collaborate with the Nordic Africa Institute in arranging the Nordic Africa Days
  • deal with any other project as decided by the General Meeting.

All are welcome!