
News archive for Research

Populist far-right parties portray fossil fuel phase-out as a threat to traditional family values, regional identity, and national sovereignty, according to researchers at UiB.
This may contribute to the political marginalization of individuals with a strong need to be heard, according to researchers.
About half of children with celiac disease have problems with enamel damage. UiB researchers have now found that the cause is an immune reaction to one of the most common proteins in cow’s milk.
A recent report from the University of the Arctic recognizes the University of Bergen as Norway's most influential university and a global leader in Arctic research.
When Nagaoka University of Technology in Japan hosted a hybrid event to showcase links between science and business, UiB’s industry partner Aanderaa stepped up to the challenge. The event originated in the university’s international commitments towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG14), Life Below Water.
At this event in Brussels on 23 January 2024, researchers from the University of Bergen and NORCE presented and discussed new and pressing democracy issues with policy makers and experts from the European Commission and stakeholder organizations.
Professor Iain George Johnston and the research team at the University of Bergen (UiB) have been instrumental in a recent study that reveals how plants protect themselves from mutational damage. The groundbreaking findings are now presented in a research article in the highly-ranked journal New Phytologist.
Offshore wind farms can “steal” the capacity of other farms by up to 20 percent up to 50 kilometres away, due to wake loss. The regulation is ambiguous and needs to be developed to accommodate large-scale offshore wind development in the North Sea and other ocean areas, according to PhD Candidate Eirik Finseraas at the Faculty of Law, University of Bergen.
“There are huge knowledge gaps regarding the deep sea. My scientific project is to help fill some of those knowledge gaps,” says researcher Pedro Ribeiro. Inadvertently, this has led him and his colleagues into the hot topic debate on deep-sea mining.
Research sheds light on how genetics influences the growth of the placenta and reveals a link to increased risk of disease in the mother.
A new study from UiB provides the first empirical evidence that 'implicit competition' in the workplace has an impact on job promotions and salary increases.
Somewhat surprisingly, Norway finds itself at the bottom alongside Romania, in a study of trust in child welfare services in six European countries.
PhD candidate Pierina Benavente at the Pandemic Center has recently published her first article in an international journal. In the article, she presents findings about the health situation among migrant working in Norway during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The annual science festival creates enthusiasm and understanding for research through local educational and research institutions. Held every year since 1995, it is one of Europe's largest, nationwide research festivals.
Researchers launch pioneering EU funded research initiative to uncover role of Epstein-Barr virus in multiple sclerosis, building on recent research breakthrough.
MIT and University of Bergen launch Global Seed Fund for humanities and social sciences research. With a maximum award of $30,000, the fund will spark fresh research avenues and bolster existing projects. Application deadline is December 12.
A beautiful new film by the Tara Ocean Foundation showcasing researchers from both Tara and the Michael Sars Centre sharing their knowledge and scientific practice during the EMBL TREC expedition stopover in Bergen. (French with English subtitles)
«This is an opportunity to tackle prominent but largely-overlooked challenges plaguing the frontiers of developed liberal democracies» Aaron Spitzer says.
