NORHED II projects at UiB
Here we present all 14 NORHED II projects at UiB. From the menu below you may learn more about the goals of the projects, who their partner institutions are and how to get in contact with the projects.
Main content
Safe Work Conditions by Innovative Research and Education (SAFEWORKERS)
This film gives a brief presentation of the UiB project “SAFEWORKERS – Safe Work Conditions by Innovative Research and Education”.
Project leader Bente Elisabeth Moen, Centre for International Health and Global Challenges. Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care
Project partners
Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia), Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (Tanzania), University of Bergen.
Project objectives
- The main objective is to improve safety and health for workers in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) by novel capacity development in higher education and research in occupational health.
- We will develop a Virtual School of Occupational Health, improve master education, education of medical students and train PhD candidates in occupational health on campus in Tanzania and Ethiopia and perform relevant research on occupational injuries and diseases.
- Stakeholders for occupational health in these countries will be involved in our activities, and we will focus on making working life better for women.
Read more about the SAFEWORKERS project.
The most recent publications from SAFEWORKERS
- Luco Patson Mwelange, Simon H.D. Mamuya, Julius Mwaiselage, Magne Bråtveit & Bente Elisabeth Moen (2023) Esophageal and Head and Neck Cancer Patients Attending Ocean Road Cancer Institute in Tanzania from 2019 to 2021: An Observational Study (Open Access)
- Meaza Gezu Shentema, Abera Kumie, Magne Bråtveit, Wakgari Deressa, Aiwerasia Vera Ngowi & Bente Elisabeth Moen (2023) Respiratory Symptoms and Lung function among Female Flower Farm workers in Ethiopia (Open Access)
- Samson Wakuma Abaya, Magne Bråtveit, Abera Kumie, Wakgari Deressa & Bente Elisabeth Moen (2023) Bacterial contamination of coffee and personal exposure to inhalable dust and endotoxin in primary coffee processing factories in Ethiopia (Open Access)
For more information on project participants and publications, see the project's presentation in Cristin.
South Ethiopia Network of Universities in Public Health (SENUPH II)
This film gives a brief presentation of the UiB project "South Ethiopia Network of Universities in Public Health II (SENUPH II)".
Project leader Bernt Lindtjørn or co-project leader Ingunn Marie Stadskleiv Engebretsen. Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care
Project partners
Arba Minch University (Ethiopia), Hawassa University (Ethiopia), University of Bergen.
Project objectives
- The SENUPH II project will strengthen capacity-building activities already underway at Hawassa, Arba Minch and Dilla Universities in southern Ethiopia.
- The project will use evidence-based priority setting to ensure that the outcomes improve public health and are equitable. The project will stimulate PhD and postdoctoral research and will also train master's level students.
- The focus will be on enhancing the universities' ownership, competency, and sustainability of the training program in order to build evidence-based healthcare.
Read more about the SENUPH II project or visit SENUPH's own website.
The most recent publicatons from SENUPH II
Fekadu Massebo et al. (2024) The expansion of an invasive malaria vector: Anopheles stephensi detection in Arba Minch town in the southern Rift Valley of Ethiopia (Preprint, Open Access)
Adilo Assa, Nigatu Eligo & Fekadu Massebo (2023) Anopheles mosquito diversity, entomological indicators of malaria transmission and challenges of morphological identification in southwestern Ethiopia. (Open Access).
- Tenaye Ayele, Biniam Wondale, Girum Tamiru, Nigatu Eligo, Bernt Lindtjørn, Fekadu Massebo (2023) Infectivity of symptomatic Plasmodium vivax cases to different generations of wild-caught and laboratory-adapted Anopheles arabiensis using a membrane feeding assay, Ethiopia (Open Access)
For more information on project participants and publications, see the project's presentation in Cristin.
Growing partnership for Higher Education and Research in Nutritional Epidemiology in DR Congo and Tanzania (GROWNUT-2)
This film gives a brief presentation of the UiB project "GROWNUT-2: Growing Partnership for Higher Education and Research in Nutritional Epidemiology in Democratic Republic of Congo And Tanzania".
Project leader Anne Hatløy, Centre for International health, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care.
Project partners
Université de Kinshasa (D.R. Congo), University of Kwazulu Natal (South Africa), Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (Tanzania), University of Bergen.
Project objectives
Read more about GROWNUT II or visit the website of the GROWNUT consortium.
The most recent publications from GROWNUT
- Silondile Luthuli, Marguerite Daniel & J. Hope Corbin (2024) Power imbalances and equity in the day-today functioning of a north plus multi-south higher education institutions partnership: a case study (Open Access)
- Freddy Bangalesa, Felix Pollinger, Barbara Sponholz, Mapatano Mala Ali, Anne Hatløy & Heiko Paeth (2023) Statistical-dynamical modeling of the maize yield response to future climate change in West, East and Central Africa using the regional climate model REMO
- Freddy Bangalesa, Anne Hatløy, Branly Kilola Mbunga, Beya Mutombo Paulin, Mwanack Kakule Matina & Pierre Zalagile Akilimali (2023) Is stunting in children under five associated with the state of vegetation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo? Secondary analysis of Demographic Health Survey data and the satellite-derived leaf area index (Open Access)
For more information on project participants and publications, see the project's presentation in Cristin.
Consolidating Training and Research in Surgery and Related Specialities (SURGERY)
This film gives a brief presentation of the UiB project "Consolidating Training and Research in Surgery and Related Specialities".
Project leader Morten Lund-Johansen, Departement of Clinical Medicine and Haukeland University Hospital.
Project partners
Kamuzu University of Health Sciences (Malawi), Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (Malawi), Kamuzu Central Hospital (Malawi), Haukeland University Hospital, University of Bergen.
Project objectives
The project goal is to further develop and strengthen surgical training (general surgery, orthopaedic surgery, neurosurgery) in Malawi to ensure self-sustainability as well as establish and/or strengthen specialist training in medical fields that work very closely with surgery (anaesthesiology and radiology).
The most recent publications from SURGERY
- Shazra Abbas, Linda Chokotho, Nohakhelha Nyamulani & Victoria L. Oliver (2024) The burden of long bone fracture and health system response in Malawi: A scoping review (Open Access).
- Kush S. Mody, Hao-Hua Wu, Linda C. Chokotho, Nyengo C. Mkandawire, Sven Young, Brian C. Lau, David Shearer & Kiran J. Agarwal- Harding (2023) The Socioeconomic consequences of femoral shaft fracture for patients in Malawi (Open Access).
Alexander Thomas Schade, Maureen Sabawo, Nohakhelha Nyamulani, Chikumbutso Clara Mpanga, Leonard Banza Ngoie, Andrew John Metcalfe, David G Lalloo, Jason J Madan, William James Harrison & Peter MacPherson (2023) Functional outcomes and quality of life at 1-year follow-up after an open tibia fracture in Malawi: a multicentre, prospective cohort study (Open Access)
For more information on project participants and publications, see the project's presentation in Cristin.
Institutionalisation of Advanced Research Training in Africa (iCARTA)
This film gives a brief presentation of the UiB project “iCARTA – Institutionalisation of Advanced Research Training in Africa”.
Project leader Thorkild Tylleskär, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care.
Project partners
African Population and Health Research Center (Kenya), Kamuzu University of Health Sciences (Malawi), University of Rwanda (Rwanda), University of the Witswatersrand (South Africa), Makerere University (Uganda), University of Bergen.
Project objectives
Read more about the iCARTA project.
For more information on project participants and publications, see the project's presentation in Cristin.
Strengthening Health systems through Primary Care Leaders Education (PRICE)
This film gives a brief presentation of the UiB project “PRImary health Care leaders Education - PRICE”.
Project leader Thomas Mildestvedt, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care.
Project partners
Kamuzu University of Health Sciences (Malawi), Stellenbosch University (South Africa), University of Zambia (Zambia), University of Bergen.
Project objectives
- The general objective is to increase the quantity and quality of education and research programs within PHC in Malawi and Zambia.
- We will review or develop curricula and programs at Bachelors, Masters and PhD levels and increase the capacity of the training and education system.
- In cooperation with the PRIMAFAMED network we will disseminate knowledge throughout the African PHC network.
Read more about the PRICE project.
The most recent publications from PRICE
- Duncan Kwaitana, Felix Chisoni, Dorothee van Breevoort, Thomas Mildestvedt, Eivind Meland, Jane Bates, Eric Umar (2023) Primary healthcare service delivery for older people with progressive multimorbidity in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review
For more information on project participants and publications, see the project's presentation in Cristin.
Strengthening Agency and Learning across Health Systems in the Americas (SALHSA)
Project leader Ana Lorena Ruano, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care.
Project partners
Centro Estudios de Estado y Sociedad (Argentina), Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia), University of Bergen.
Project objectives
To become the Latin American hub for Health Policy & Systems Research (HPSR) through the development and implementation of a comprehensive postgraduate study program built on high-quality and policy-oriented research.
To develop and implement a teaching strategy with online, blended, and presential options that helps women, minorities, and students from countries with little or no supply of postgraduate education in Public or Global Health.
To strengthen capacity through a network of Health Policy & Systems (HPS) researchers.
To develop a shared research agenda that focuses on four areas already identified as key for the LAC region.
Read more about the SALHSA project.
For more information on project participants and publications, see the project's presentation in Cristin.
CO2-EOR for CCUS in Colombia and Ecuador: Norwegian energy initiative (CO2-EOR)
This film gives a brief presentation of the UiB project “CO2-EOR for CCUS in Colombia and Ecuador: Norwegian energy initiative”.
Project leader Jacquelin Cobos Mora, Department of Physics and Technology.
Project partners
Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Colombia), Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral (Ecuador), University of Bergen.
Project objectives
- Educate next generation of petroleum engineers: energy engineers, with the whole value chain for CCUS integrated in their education
- Knowledge transfer between the three partner institutions, relevant for CCUS research and development in south region
- Formation of strong south-south regional collaboration, to facilitate for future industry-academia collaborations and implementation of CCUS
Read more about the Co2-EOR project.
The most recent publications from CO2-EOR
- Jacquelin E. Cobos, Aleksandra M. Sæle, Maria C. Benjumea, Monica M. Charro & Erik G. Søgaard (2024) Induced carbonate dissolution: Impact of brine chemistry in CO2 foam (Open Access)
- Rubén H. Castro, Isidro Burgos, Laura M. Corredor, Sebastián Llanos, Camilo A. Franco, Farid B. Cortés & Arnold R. Romero Bohórquez (2024) Carboxymethyl Scleroglucan Synthesized via O-Alkylation Reaction with Different Degrees of Substitution: Rheology and Thermal Stability (Open Access)
- Frank E. Viveros, Oscar E. Medina, Ivan Moncayo-Riascos, Maksim Lysyy, Pedro Nel Benjumea, Farid B. Cortés & Camilo A. Franco (2024) Hydrogen storage in depleted gas reservoirs using methane cushion gas: An interfacial tension and pore scale study
For more information on project participants and publications, see the project's presentation in Cristin.
Mathematics for a sustainable development (Math4SDG)
This film gives a brief presentation of the UiB project “Mathematics for sustainable development”.
Project leader Guttorm Alendal, Department of Mathematics
Project partners
University of Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania), Makerere University (Uganda), University of Bergen.
Project objectives
- Better mathematical research at the two Departments of Mathematics at the University of Dar es Salaam and Makerere University.
- Updated and relevant educational programs in mathematics and mathematics education at the two departments.
- Higher visibility of the departments and closer contact to industry and the society.
Read more about the Math4SDG project.
The most recent publications from MATH4SDG
- Mahadi Ddamulira & Florian Luca (2024) On the x-coordinates of Pell equations that are products of two Pell numbers
- Leonce Leandry & Eunice W. Mureithi (2023) An investigation on the Monkeypox virus dynamics in human and rodent populations for a deterministic mathematical model (Open Access)
- I. Mirumbe, J. N. Nakakawa & J. M. Mango (2023) On the Local Stability of a Certain Class of Polynomial Differential System (Open Access)
For more information on project participants and publications, see the project's presentation in Cristin.
Capacity Building for Research-Based Teacher Education (CABUTE)
This film gives a brief presentation of the UiB project “Capacity Building for Research-Based Teacher Education (CABUTE)”.
Project leader Steinar Sætre, The Grieg Academy, Department of Music
Project partners
Makerere University (Uganda), Kyambogo University (Uganda), UNITE - The Uganda National Institute of Teacher Education (Uganda), Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, University of Bergen.
Project objectives
Read more about the CABUTE project.
For more information on project participants and publications, see the project's presentation in Cristin.
Water ESSENCE Africa - creating synergy to meet the global challenge (Water ESSENCE)
This film gives a brief presentation of the UiB project “Water ESSENCE Africa - creating synergy to meet the global challenges”.
Project leader Tore Walderhaug Sætersdal, Global challenges, Center for International Health
Project partners
Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia), University of Ghana (Ghana), University for Development Studies (Ghana), University of Nairobi (Kenya), Machakos University (Kenya), University of Rwanda (Rwanda), University of Juba (South Sudan), Makerere University (Uganda), Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), University of Bergen.
Project objectives
To co-develop, strengthen and innovate the teaching and learning processes, enhancing the capacities and capabilities of the graduate water programs. It will create mechanisms and solutions continuing well beyond the project life and strengthening partner universities’ contributions to the lifelong learning of the water professionals.
Read more about the Water ESSENCE project.
The most recent publications from Water ESSENCE
- Emiru Gemechu Kedida & Yacob Arsano (2023) Towards Transboundary Water Management Policy Regime in the Eastern Nile Basin for Sustainable Water Use and Conservation (Open Access)
- Yakubu Saaka Zakaria, Abdul-Ganiyu Shaibu & Bernard N. Baatuuwie (2022) Assessment of Physical Suitability of Soils for Vegetable Production in the Libga Irrigation Scheme, Northern Region, Ghana Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process and Weighted Overlay Analysis (Open Access)
- Tamiru Paulos Orkodjo, Gordana Kranjac-Berisavijevic, Felix K Abagale (2022) Impact of climate change on future precipitation amounts, seasonal distribution, and streamflow in the Omo-Gibe basin, Ethiopia (Open Access)
For more information on project participants and publications, see the project's presentation in Cristin.
Decolonizing epistemologies: The disciplines and the University (DECOLONIZING)
This film gives a brief presentation of the UiB project “Decolonizing Epistemologies: The Disciplines and the University”.
Project leader Lise Rakner, Department of Government
Project partners
Makerere University (Uganda), University of Bergen.
Project objectives
- Making MISR a sustainable unit at the University of Makerere and a globally influential research unit.
- Develop institutional pre-conditions to support the Phd programme: excellence in student and faculty recruitment and research agendas.
- Support the transformation of higher education regionally and globally in connection to the broader framework of ‘decolonizing epistemology’ and the achievement of the Sustainable development goal of quality education.
The most recent publications from DECOLONIZING
- Andrea Kronstad Felde (2024) Opening the black box of student government in authoritarian contexts: institutional work and intra-organisational conflicts in the Students’ Guild at Makerere University, Uganda (Open Access)
- Yahya Sseremba (2023) Gender and the bifurcated state: women in Uganda’s traditional authority
- Andrea Cassatella (2023) Beyond the Secular Jacques Derrida and the Theological-Political Complex
For more information on project participants and publications, see the project's presentation in Cristin.
Refugees on the Move – South Sudanese in Ethiopia, Sudan and Uganda (REFUGEES)
This film gives a brief presentation of the UiB project “Refugees on the Move - South Sudanese in Ethiopia, Sudan and Uganda”.
Project leader Munzoul Assal, Department of Social Antropology
Project partners
Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia), University of Juba (South Sudan), University of Khartoum (Sudan), Makerere University (Uganda), University of Bergen.
Project objectives
- The project's overall goal is strengthening research and teaching capacities of East African Universities through addressing the critical problem of refugees, particularly South Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia, Sudan and Uganda, and internally displaced persons in South Sudan.
- Through promoting research on South Sudanese refugees, the project builds competence on refugee issues enshrined in United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- One of the aims of the project is to engage with stakeholders dealing with refugees in Ethiopia, Sudan, and Uganda.
The most recent publications from REFUGEES
- Mohamed A. G. Bakhit (2024) Forced Migration Life Trajectories and Politics of Contradictions. South Sudanese between Being IDPs and Refugees in Sudan and South Sudan (Open Access)
For more information on project participants and publications, see the project's presentation in Cristin.
Norway-Pacific Ocean-Climate Scholarship Project (N-POC)
This film gives a brief presentation of the UiB project “Norway-Pacific Ocean-Climate Scholarship Programme (N-POC)”.
Project leader Edvard Hviding, Department of Social Anthropology
Project partners
The University of the South Pacific (Fiji), University of Bergen.
About the project
The Norway-Pacific Ocean-Climate Scholarship Programme, or N-POC, is an ambitious partnership in research and PhD training between the University of Bergen and the regional University of the South Pacific. The programme comprises 25 fully funded PhD scholarships to students from across 15 Pacific Island nations, for ocean and climate research within a wide range of disciplines.
Project objectives
- To build a strong Pacific cohort of researchers to address urgent challenges for ocean and climate;
- To build new multidisciplinary Pacific research on the ocean-climate nexus for regional and global policy impact; and
- To build enduring partnerships between researchers and universities in Norway and the Pacific Islands.
Read more about the N-POC project at UiB or about the N-POC project at the University of the South Pacific.
For more information on project participants and publications, see the project's presentation in Cristin.