Ecological and Environmental Change Research Group

Rocky Mountain Biological Lab

Internship at the Rocky Mountain Biological Lab with Brian J Enquist's lab

A view of the Rocky Mountains, Colorado with orange arrows marking the elevations of experimental sites and an inset map of western US
Rocky Mountains transect
Brian Enquist

Main content

A summer internship is available to work within the Enquist Lab at the Rocky Mountain Biological Lab in Gothic, Colorado. We use physiological, experimental, theoretical, and observational methods to try to understand what regulates the diversity (phylogenetic and functional) and dynamics of subalpine communities and ecosystems at different scales. In particular, we are interested in understanding how diversity influences ecosystem functioning. We study the relative importance of abiotic (namely climate) and biotic (species interactions, community assembly, competition) factors in controlling plant community and ecosystem responses to climate change. At the broadest scales, we study the flux of carbon dioxide from subalpine meadows along an elevational gradient and its relationship to temperature, water availability, plant functional traits, and species identity. We also use remote sensing techniques as well as macro-ecological approaches to study broad-scale processes. At the smallest scale, we study the mechanisms of community assembly of subalpine meadows. A summer intern will contirbute to the ongoing research of PhD students and postdocs on several field and experimental projects associated with the above goals. 


You need to be a bachelor or master student in biology or a related subject. Students at the University of Bergen, The University Center in Svalbard, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, University of Arizona, University of British Columbia, Institute for Mountain Hazards and Environment Chengdu and University of Minnesota will be prioritised in the selection process.

The TraitTrain internship application deadline was 31st March 2019

To apply, please send a cover letter along with your CV and the names and contact information for two professional and/or academic referees to

Brian J Enquist: benquist@email.arizona.edu and

Lorah Patterson: lorahpatterson@email.arizona.edu

All the travel costs and living expenses (lodging and a per diem) will be covered by the TraitTrain project.