Research group for Administrative Law

About the Research group for Administrative Law

Research on administrative law has been a main field at the Faculty of Law in Bergen, and several of the PhDs have been related to the areas of general and special administrative law.

Main content

Above all, the research group is a forum for sharing important thoughts and questions, for the purpose of individual scientific production, presentations, dissemination and tuition. The research group has an important function especially for the purpose of recruitment, both in relation to master students and PhD candidates. We wish to be a meeting spot for our younger researchers, as well as for PhD candidates from other faculties in Norway and Europe, and we are happy to welcome guests, whether it's for a longer period of time, or just for a brief visit. Our purpose is to secure the exchange of new knowledge through dialogues and collaboration for both new and estalished researchers.

Collective knowledge and dissemination

The research group has done several important projects together. In 2015 the group wrote the book "Forholdsmessighetsvurderinger i forvaltningsretten", edited by Karl Harald Søvig. Moreover, the research group played a key role in the process of writing the book «Undring og erkjennelse», Festskrift til Jan Frid­thjof Bernt from 2013, edited by Karl Harald Søvig, Sigrid Eskeland Schütz and Ørnulf Rasmussen, as well as when writing «Likestilling, barn og velferd, Retts­­­felt i utvikling» in 2020, edited by Sigrid Eskeland Shütz, Ragna Aarli and Henriette Sindig Aasen. In addition, it should be mentioned that Ingunn Elise Myklebust and Karl Harald Søvik have contributed with articles for the article collection «Ugyldig­heit i for­valtnings­retten», published in 2019, edited by Henriette Nilsson Tøssebro, who was affiliated with UiO at the time.