Analysis and PDE
Former members and Alumni

List of former members of the Analysis and PDE group

Main content

Former professors

NamePeriod of activity
Arne Stray1985-2014
Alexander Vasiliev2005-2016

Former Master Students

Name               SupervisorThesisYear
Torunn Stavland JensenDidier Pilod

The Hardy Uncertainty Principle and Unique Continuation for the Schrödinger Equation

Bendik Haugstvedt TveitenErlend GrongArea rearrangement operator in discrete and continuous calculus2024
Vemund RisaErlend GrongAn Introduction to Riemann Surfaces2023
Andreas MyklebustErlend GrongCurvature and Harmonic Forms on Complete Manifolds2023
John Otto PlettenIrina MarkinaIsometries of pseudo-H-type algebras2022
René LangøenIrina MarkinaThe direct monodromy problem and isomonodromic deformations for the Rabi model2022
Francesco BallerinErlend Grong

Sub-Riemannian geometry and its applications to Image Processing

Daniel Førland HolmenErlend GrongGeometry of embedded CR manifolds2021
Mathias Sperre PalmstrømAlexander SchmedingDifferentiability of Products of Formal Power Series2020
Martin Oen PaulsenSigmund Selberg

On the relation between wave conditions and mathematical properties of some asymptotic water wave models

Jonatan StavaIrina Markina

Cartan Connection in Sub-Riemannian Geometry

Sven Ivan Idland BoknIrina Markina

Elastic Curves in Rolling Problems

Jorge Luis Lopez MarinIrina Markina

Semi-H-type groups and Semi-Damek-Ricci spaces

Eirik BergeErlend Grong and Irina Markina

Model Spaces in Riemannian and Sub-Riemannian Geometries

Anja EidsheimIrina MarkinaModules of measures on Carnot groups2018
Stine Marie BergeIrina MarkinaErlend Grong and Alexander VasilievGeometric and Spectral Properties of Hypoelliptic operators2017
Kim-Erling Bolstad-LarssenIrina MarkinaRadon-Hurwitz-Eckmann function: theory and algorithmic support2017
Francesca AzzoliniIrina Markina

Automorphism groups of pseudo H-type Lie algebras


Bhagyashri Nilesh Ingale

Irina Markina

On extremal function in one class of mapping with finite distortion

Stephan WojtowytscIrina MarkinaThe Alexandrov Topology in Sub-Lorentzian Geometry2011
Christian AutenriedIrina MarkinaStructure of infinite dimensional Grasssmannian2011
Ksenia LavrichenkoIrina Markina

The Flow of Quasiconformal Mappings on S³ with Contact structure and a Family of Surfaces on the Heisenberg Group

Quifan LieIrina MarkinaSome Regularity Results for Quasiregular Mappings on Heisenberg group and Sub- elliptic Equations2011
Henning Abbedissen AlsakerArne StrayMultipliers of the Dirichlet space2009
Erlend GrongAlexander VasilievMatching univalent functions and related problems of conformal mappings2008

* year reported is the year of graduation