The Laboratory Animal Facility
Animal stidies at UiB

Conducting animal studies at UiB - Parctical information

Practical information to the research groups wit ongoing animal studies

Main content

Practical information - after you have started an approved project

Links to useful information on relevant topics like:

  • HSE in the animal facility
  • Ordering animals, drugs etc
  • Booking of room and equipment
  • Sending and moving animals
  • Reporting incident or accidents
  • Clinical signs of disease or stress in animals
  • Price list etc

Can be found below

Changes or amendments of a study already approved by Mattilsynet

If you need to make changes in a project alreday approved by Mattilsynet you must apply for permission in FOTS ("Request for changes")

You must also apply for prolongation for a study - but for continuation for more that 4 years you must send a completely new FOTS application.

You must update the project summary including:

  1. Purpose of the study
  2. Expected harm/severity for the animals
  3. Expected benefit for science or society
  4. How many and what kind of animals will be used (totally in this experiment)
  5. How are compliance with the requirements for replacement, reduction and refinement safeguarded

I must clarify how changes will influence animals, how many animals that are affected by the change and you have to update the severity classification,

For minor changes with no negative impact on or event improvements for animals  - you only have to send a “Notification about changes” in FOTS