The Laboratory Animal Facility

Laboratory for animal behavioural testing

The Department of Biological and Medical Psychology has its own Animal Laboratory with equipment for behavioural testing and telemetric registration of activity, sleep and circadian rhythms.

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The modern laboratory at the Department of Biological and Medical Psychology (IBMP) is connected to the main BBB Laboratory Animal Facility by a dedicated elevator. Like the Laboratory Animal Facility it is AAALAC acreditted and has approval for studies on genetically modified rodents. The laboratory is equipped for a large range of behavioral testing, neurophysiological registration and stimulation. The Research Group on Experimental and Clinical Stress and Sleep (RECSS) have long experience in behavioural testing and interpretation of results. Behavioural tests may be used for behavioural phenotyping of genetic models and to study the effects of pharmacological treatments.

For more information go to Animal Laboratory at IBMP.