
Ancient Philosophy

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An image of the Herakleion

The Ancient Philosophy research group’s profile includes a long publishing record, a wide and global network, and an annual international conference held in Bergen in addition to a series of local seminars and reading groups.

Members of the research group habitually publish the results of the seminar-workshop-conference processes in respected, peer reviewed channels. Part of this is done individually, but the group also has a solid track record for succeeding with collaborative efforts, such as Plato’s Protagoras: Essays on the Confrontation of Philosophy and Sophistry (Springer 2017), Readings of Plato’s Apology of Socrates (Lexington Books 2018), Philosophy as Drama: Plato’s Thinking through Dialogue (Bloomsbury 2019), and Democracy and Its Rivals: Plato’s Statesman and Laws (special issue of Polis, 2020).

Among our many international collaborators in recent years are Arlene Saxonhouse, Catherine Rowett, Charlotta Weigelt, Claudia Baracchi, Cynthia Freeland, Drew Hyland, Elena Irrera, Ellisif Wasmuth, Emanuela Bianchi, Jacob Howland, John Sallis, Laura Rabinowitz, Marina McCoy, Melissa Lane, Paul Ludwig, Paul Woodruff, and Ryan Balot.

The group is headed by Hallvard Fossheim.