Ancient Philosophy

Poetry and Philosophy in the Light of Plato’s Phaedrus

May 25th and 26th 2009 (Department of Philosophy, University of Bergen, Sydneshaugen 12-13, room 210)

Main content

Monday May 25th

09.00 - 09.15              Welcome and Opening

09.15 – 10.15             Hayden Ausland: Poetry, Fiction, and Rhetoric in the Phaedrus

10.15 – 10.30             Coffee break

10.30 – 11.30              Cynthia Freeland: Myths of the Soul in the Phaedrus: Seeing, Knowing, Nourishing

11.30 – 12.30             Hallvard Fossheim: Soul and Myth in the Phaedrus

12.30 - 13.30              Lunch 

13.30 – 14.30              Charles Armstrong: Why Phaedrus? Plato in Woolf´s Novel Jacob´s                                       Room

14.30  - 15.30             Kristin Sampson, Scenery and Song in the Phaedrus


19.00                          Dinner




Tuesday May 26th    

09.15 – 10.30              Paul Woodruff: Plato's Inverted Theater:  Displacing the Wisdom of the                                     Poets

10.30 – 10.45              Coffee break

10.45 – 11.45             Jens Kristian Larsen: The Desire for logos and the logos of Desire

11.45 – 12-45             Øyvind Rabbås: Speaking Words of Wisdom: Authority and                                           estrangement in written (and spoken?) discourse

12.45 – 13.45             Lunch

13.45 – 14.45             Knut Ågotnes: "Maybe I am a Typhon?" Socrates´ loss of secure self-                         knowledge - from the Apology via Charmides to Phaedrus

14.45 – 15.45              Erlend Breidal: Heavenly Places (topoi) and human Placelessness                         (atopia): the problem of Philosophy as Picture-making



Alle er hjertelig velkommen!


Påmelding innen 11. mai 2009 til kirsten.bang@fof.uib.no

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