Digital frukost@Forskningsdagene: Can we find the solution to the antibiotic resistance crisis in the ocean?
The World Health Organization (WHO) states that antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health, food security, and development today. A growing number of infections are becoming harder to treat as the antibiotics used to treat them become less effective. In addition to reducing the overuse of antibiotics, we need to discover and bring new antibiotics to market. This is a formidable challenge, but perhaps part of the solution can be found in the ocean?

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In conjunction with Forskningsdagene, the Norwegian annual research festival, this Digital frukost will have a special focus on this year’s theme – the Ocean. Join us for a digital one-hour breakfast where we will explore if the solution to the antibiotic resistance crisis can be found in the ocean.
09.00: Zoom-meeting opens and we are getting ready (Zoom)
09.05-09.10: Welcome - Christoffer Hals, Centre for Digital Life Norway
09.10-09.20: Introduction to the antibiotic resistance challenge - Senior Medical Officer Kristian Rødland, NIPH - The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI)
09.20-09.35: DigiBiotics: Extracting antimicrobial molecules from the Arctic Ocean – Professor Jeanette H. Andersen (UiT)
09.35-09.50: Towards the discovery of new antibiotics in the lab – Professor Ruth Brenk (UiB)
09.50-10.00: Questions and closing