Personalized orthopedic splints with 3D technology

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The goal of the study is to assist the occupational therapists in the Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen in the production of personalised hand orthoses by using 3D scanning and printing technologies, which can improve patient compliance, reduce pain and reduce further deterioration.
Three internship students have been working on the project at Biomatlab in 2023:
-Nour Abdelghafour has been working on the digital workflow, from 3D-scanning and CAD-modelling to 3D-printing.
-François Cei worked on the digital workflow, from 3D-scanning and CAD-modelling to 3D-printing.
-Emilie Goudin worked on the mechanical properties of different printing materials and techniques (FDM, SLA and SLS additive manufacturing).
Also, thank’s to the Dept. of Occupational Therapy, Blatchford Ortopedi AS and the 3D-lab at Haukeland University Hospital (Rolf Arne Haakonsen) for their contribution in the project.
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