Brenk lab

News archive for Brenk lab

The Nor-Openscreen application for this year's infrastructure call scored the highest possible marks in all categories! To quote from the reviewer comments: "This is an excellent proposal to enlarge and update existing infrastructure and services in chemical biology in Norway". Despite the very favorable evaluation, the proposal was not funded. This means, there will unfortunately be no new... Read more
Our new paper on entangling selectivity determining features and on how to use this knowledge to design selective ligands has been published in J Med Chem!
Together with Nathalie Reuter and Bengt-Erik Haug from the Chemistry Department and Alexander Lundervold from the Høgskulen på Vestlandet (HVL) we got funding for the project «Towards better computational approaches and responsible innovation strategies in early drug discovery: application to antibiotics and COPD» under the Centre for Digital Life umbrella. In this project, we are aiming toward... Read more
Our EXPLORE network application aiming at targeting the TPP riboswitch for hit discovery for new antibiotics will receive funding from JPI-AMR! Other partners in the network are Daniel Lafontaine (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada), Matthias Mack (Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, Germany), Petr Bartunek (CZ-OPENSCREEN, Czech Republic), Bengt Erik Haug (University of Bergen Norway) and... Read more
Researcher's Grand Prix-cadidate Illimar Hugo Rekand is working to keep us healthy. He is investigating new opportunities for making new medicines in a world where antibiotic resistance is an increasing challenge.
A recording of Ruth's presentation of riboswitch ligand design at the Digital Life 2018 conference.
Our research about development of riboswitch ligands was chosen as partner project for Digital Life Norway.
About state-of the art of riboswitch ligand design and future perspectives.
The Brenk lab will receive funding from NFR for developing future antibiotics acting via riboswitch binding. This project will fund two postdoc positions for three years, one in the lab of Bengt Erik Haug (Department of Chemistry) and one in the Brenk group. We are looking forward to continuing an exiting research project!
