

Illustrasjonsfoto brukt ifm åpning av Senter for Klimadynamikk (SKD) 1....
Illustrasjonsfoto brukt ifm åpning av Senter for Klimadynamikk (SKD) 1. desember 2011

Main content

Biogeochemical feedback in the climate system - from processes to large-scale effects

01/2011 - 06/2015

Centre for Climate Dynamics (SKD)


BIOFEEDBACK quantifies marine and terrestrial coupled cycles of carbon, nutrients, and oxygen in their global and regional context, taking into account multiple drivers such as increasing greenhouse gas emissions, ocean acidification, warming, changes in circulation as well as stratification, and de-oxygenation. We employ a strategic combination of data archaeology, database synthesis, model development and decadal to centennial model simulations with rigorous model performance evaluations to provide new system understanding. (text: SKD webpage)