Chemometrics and Analytical chemistry


Data analysis in experimental chemistry, analytical chemistry, multicomponent analysis, process- and environmental chemometrics.

Main content

KJEM225  - Experimental Design and Analysis of Multivariate Data. Autumn.

KJEM250 - Analytical chemistry - spring

KJEM325 – Multicomponent analysis. Every other spring.

PTEK226 - Process- and environmental chemometrics. Autumn

Master's program in chemistry.

Master's program in process technology Norwegian version only...

European Master for Laboratory Accreditation, Quality in Analytical Laboratories (EMQAL)

Graduate studies in chemometrics includes the cources KJEM 225 or PTEK 226, KJEM250 - Analytical chemistry and KJEM325.
Other cources are dependent upon the chosen research project and are to be negotiated with your supervisor.

A post-graduate research project in chemometrics can be of highly theoretical or highly practical nature, and of course - all combinations of the two.
Theoretical projects may e.g. be method development of curve resolution techniques for hyphenated chromatography-spectroscopy profiles of multicomponent systems.
The practical research projects offered is often based on the use of infrared spectroscopy to characterise complex systems and using chemometric methods to reveal the information carried by the infrared spectra. This approach has been used in e.g. kinetic studies and environmental problems in process chemistry.
Post-graduate research projects combing infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics to identify and solve environmental and process problems in industrial processes is also offered.
A background in linear algebra equivalent to Mat121 is recommended. Prospect students should be sligthly familiar with the use of computers.