Research Group for European Law

Velcome to the BECCLE Competition Conference, 23 and 24 April

At Bergen Center for Competition Law and Economics we are proud to announce the first annual BECCLE competition policy conference with key note speeches by David Bailey, Joe Harrington and Patrick Rey.

BECCLE's offices, third floor, JUSII

Main content

At BECCLE, we are priviliged to  be able to invite you to the first annual BECCLE conference on Competition Law and Policy.

The conference will combine sessions with invited speakers and presentations and discussions of original research papers in the fields of competition law and economics

 As key note speakers for the conference we are proud to present David Bailey (King’s College London), Joe Harrington (University of Pennsylvania) and Patrick Rey (University of Toulouse).

A call for papers will be distributed during December. Information on registration will follow. Both full papers and and extended abstracts may be submitted.


For more information, visit the BECCLE Competition Conference web page. The web page will be updated continuously as more information about the conference becomes available. For any questions, please use the following email adress local2015@beccle.uib.no.


Bergen Center for Competition Law and Ecomics (BECCLE) is a reseach center jointly owned by the Norwegian School of Economics, and the University of Bergen, and serves as a meeting place for lawyers and economists intrested in competition policy questions.