
Research and teaching on controversial issues

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One angry and one happy face in dialogue

The interdisciplinary research group "Research and teaching on controversial issues" was founded in 2022, and servs as a forum for researchers working on questions perceived as emotional, sensitive, or conflicting. Across disciplines, we are dedicated to exploring how one can conduct research on topics that spark debate and disagreement in society. Central to our research are didactic perspectives on controversial issues and how controversial questions are addressed and managed in teaching, spanning both schools and higher education.


Examples of typical controversial issues include identity politics, cultural appropriation, and cancel culture. However, the perception of what is controversial is contextual, and what may seem trivial in one context can create intense discussion and strong emotions in another. Therefore, our interest in "controversial questions" encompasses a broad range of topics, methodological approaches, and theoretical perspectives.

> Read more about our research

Bildet viser ni av medlemmene i forskergruppen som møttes 1. oktober på NLA Høgskolen, campus Kalfaret.

Controversial Issues in Education: Organizing Teacher Seminar to Bridge Theory and Practice

This fall, the research group Research and Teaching on Controversial Issues is hosting a seminar for teachers to explore various approaches to teaching controversial issues in schools.

Picturing 3 people on research workshop in eager conversation

Program for the research group spring 2025

  • Januray 10, 10:00-12:00 (Lektorsenteret, UiB)
    Meeting - planning the spring semester.
  • February 19, 12:15-14:00 (Sydnesplassen 12-13, UiB)
    Workshop: Sharing experiences with research funding (w. Laura Saetveit Miles and Bjørn Ola Tafjord)
  • April/may (2 days, Voss)
    Seminar - developing research projects. 
  • May 28, 09:00-13:00 (Raftohuset)
    Event related to the project "Palestina and Israel in schools" (PIS).
  • June 11, 10:00-12:00 (Lektorsenteret, UiB)
    Meeting - planning the fall semester.

Program Overview