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Since 2021 BIP/Erasmus Blended Intensive Programme: „Kant and German Idealism”, coordinated by Jean-Christophe Merle (Vechta, Germany) and Carola Freiin von Villiez (Bergen, Norway)
2021 - "Hegel (anti)kolonial" , a series with workshops and talks that explore Hegel's ambivalent colonial legacy. The events in the series examine racism and pro-colonialism in and after Hegel, but also Hegel's influence on anticolonial and antiracist thinkers. The series is organized by Franz Knappik (FoF) and Daniel James (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany).
2017-2018: “Friendship: concept, normative theory and practice”. Prof. Carola Freiin von Villiez is coordinator in this DAAD/NFR financed joint project between The University in Bergen and the University of Vechta, Germany. Three of the groups members are involved in this project: Freiin von Villiez, Sveinung Sivertsen og Paola de Cuzzani.
2016- 2017: "Discourses of violence and peaceful persuasion: new and past rhetoric in Europe" Paola de Cuzzani and Hans Marius Hansteen were project partners in this international project coordinated by Prof. Mirella Pasini, University in Genoa with parters from Norway, France, Italy, Belgium, Greece, Polen, Iceland. Financed by MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research in Italy).
2011-2014: “Interculturalism and Diversities: Developing intercultural models and thinking in the Nordic countries”. Paola de Cuzzani was PI and project manager.The project was financed by Nordforsk and had partners from Denmark and Sweden. From the Department of Philosopy, UiB were in addition to de Cuzzani Hans Christian Farsethås, Knut Vennesland and Jørgen Pedersen partners. (Research course arranged by the project.)
2010-2012: “Arbeidsmiljøet for innvandrere på flerkulturelle arbeidsplasser” Paola de Cuzzani was project manager and Hans Christian Farsethås was PI. The project involved researchers from Aalborg University, (Denmark), the University of Gothenberg, (Sweden) and the University in Bergen. The project was financed by Nordic Council of Ministers.