Department of Philosophy

Main content

Research course
“Education and the Reproduction of Marginality”:
Understanding and developing regimes of integration, inclusion, and exclusion in the Nordic countries

Gothenburg, 25.11-29.11.2013 at The Centre for Urban Studies at the University of Gothenburg/Chalmers University of Technology, Hammarkullen, Gothenburg

PhD Course arranged by

The Nordic research network involved in the project: Interculturalism and Diversities: Developing intercultural models and thinking in the Nordic countries (IDIN), invites PhD candidates working with topics related to immigration and cultural diversity, to a course about “Inclusion and exclusion: Understanding and developing regimes of integration in the Nordic countries in relation to the Post-industrial City, Education and the Reproduction of Marginality” to be held at the Centre of Urban Studies at Gothenburg University, Sweden, in November 2013. The course is scheduled from Monday the 25th to Friday the 29th of November.

The course will offer plenary lectures by:

Prof. Nihad Bunar (Stockholm univ.),
Prof. Claus Haas (Aarhus Univ.),
Prof. Bernard Eric Jensen (Aarhus),
Prof. Lise Kvande (NTNU, Trondheim),
Prof. Sverker Lindblad (Gothenburg Univ.),
Prof. Ann Runfors (Södertörn Univ.),
Prof. Ove Sernhede (Gothenburg Univ.).

Head Teacher Anna Kern (Gothenburg), Professors Paola de Cuzzani and Knut Venneslan (University of Bergen), KG. Hammarlund, Tomas Nilson and Martin Peterson (Universities of Gothenburg and Halmstad) will also participate.

The purpose of the course is to get inputs from lectures and to offer opportunities to presenting papers. The themes of the lectures are ranging from research policies in re integration and the school system of segregated urbanities to the reproduction of marginality in the educational system as well as the purpose of schools and education for jobs.

Information regading the programme, registration and the complete course description see PDF in the box "VEDLEGG" top left.