Department of Philosophy

PhD in Philosophy

The Department of Philosophy in Bergen seeks to offer a PhD at a high international level, attracting promising students and providing them with the tools they need to become professional philosophers. The quality of PhD training provided at the Department is also critical in helping our doctoral students obtain relevant employment after completing the programme. To realize these ends, the PhD programme in Bergen consists of several activities in addition to the task of completing one’s dissertation.

PhD diplom liggende ved en bunke eldre bøker

Main content


The PhD programme comprises several requirements. Some of these result in academic credit (SP: study points) required for completion of the programme, while other obligatory activities are part of the training that do not result in academic credit. There are further activities that, though strongly recommended, are not required for completion of the degree.

The defining document for the training and activities offered to our PhD students in philosophy is the Faculty of Humanities PhD Programme (Programme plan - PhD at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Bergen”), to which the text below refers; for clarifications, please confer this document. 

SP earning requirements:

Non SP earning obligatory requirements:

Non SP earning activities that are recommended but not formally required:
